ONTAP 9.14.1 commands

job private show-completed

Display a list of completed jobs

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The job private show-completed command displays information about completed private jobs. Private jobs are affiliated with a specific node and do not use any cluster facilities, such as the replicated database.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that are associated with the node you specify.

[-id <integer>] - Job ID

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the ID you specify.

[-vserver <vserver name>] - Owning Vserver

Use this parameter to display only completed jobs that are owned by the Vserver you specify.

[-name <text>] - Name

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the name you specify.

[-description <text>] - Description

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the description you specify.

[-priority {Low|Medium|High|Exclusive}] - Priority

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the priority you specify.

[-schedule <job_schedule>] - Schedule

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the schedule you specify.

[-queuetime <MM/DD HH:MM:SS>] - Queue Time

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the queue time you specify.

[-starttime <MM/DD HH:MM:SS>] - Start Time

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the start time you specify.

[-endtime <MM/DD HH:MM:SS>] - End Time

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the end time you specify.

[-dropdeadtime <MM/DD HH:MM:SS>] - Drop-dead Time

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the final timeout time you specify.

[-restarted {true|false}] - Restarted?

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the restart value you specify.

[-state {Initial|Queued|Running|Waiting|Pausing|Paused|Quitting|Success|Failure|Reschedule|Error|Quit|Dead|Unknown|Restart|Dormant}] - State

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the job state you specify.

[-code <integer>] - Status Code

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the status code you specify.

[-completion <text>] - Completion String

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the completion text you specify.

[-jobtype <text>] - Job Type

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the job type you specify.

[-category <text>] - Job Category

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the job category you specify.

[-uuid <UUID>] - UUID

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that have the UUID you specify.

[-username <text>] - User Name

Use this parameter to display information only about completed jobs that are associated with the user you specify.


The following example shows how to display information about all completed private jobs on the node named node1 :

cluster1::*> job private show-completed -node node1
Node: node1
Job ID Name           Vserver    End Time       Code     Completion String
------ -------------- ---------- -------------- -------- ---------------------
1      sync task      node1      02/17 15:03:23 0
2      load_balancing node1      02/17 16:29:28 0        DONE_VIF_STATS
3      snap-hourly    node1      02/17 16:05:00 0
4      snap-daily     node1      02/17 00:10:00 0
5      snap-weekly    node1      02/13 00:15:00 0
8      Cross-Cluster Manager node1 02/17 16:27:27 0      complete
9      reconcile service policy node1 02/17 15:03:12 0
7 entries were displayed.
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