Manuals for the ETERNUS AX/HX series

Manuals for the Fujitsu Storage System ETERNUS AX/HX series are provided.

Manuals Related to ONTAP

The following shows manuals corresponding to ONTAP and their contents.
Click this link to view the front page.

Introduction and concepts (CA08871-103)

The section informs ONTAP data management software, including cluster storage, high-availability, virtualization, data protection, storage efficiency, and security.

Set up, upgrade and revert ONTAP and system components (CA08871-109)

This section shows you the method to upgrade or revert your ONTAP software depends upon your configuration.

Cluster administration (CA08871-100)

This section shows you how to manage storage systems and storage objects (such as disks, volumes, and storage tiers) and perform common management tasks related to storage systems.

Volume administration (CA08871-110)

This section shows you how to manage logical storage, such as FlexVol volumes and LUNs, qtrees, storage efficiency, and quotas.

Network Management (CA08871-105)

This section show you how to manage your storage system network – including IPspaces, broadcast domains, subnets, network interfaces, and Ethernet ports.

NAS storage management (CA08871-104)

This section shows you how to configure and manage NAS environment with ONTAP System Manager and the CLI commands .

SAN storage management (CA08871-107)

The section shows you how to configure and manage SAN environments with the ONTAP command line interface (CLI) and System Manager

S3 object storage management (CA08871-106)

This section shows how to enable an ONTAP Simple Storage Service (S3) object storage server in an ONTAP cluster.

Security and data encryption (CA08871-108)

This section shows the ONTAP standard methods to secure client and administrator access to storage and to protect against viruses.

Data protection and disaster recovery (CA08871-101)

This section shows you how to configure and manage data protection with ONTAP System Manager and CLI commands.

Event and performance monitoring (CA08871-102)

This section shows you how to manage cluster health and performance with ONTAP System Manager, CLI commands and With Active IQ Unified Manager.

ONTAP System Manager integration with BlueXP (CA08871-400)

ONTAP System Manager is integrated with BlueXP. With BlueXP, you can manage your hybrid multi-cloud infrastructure from a single control plane while using the familiar ONTAP System Manager dashboard.

ONTAP Command reference (CA08871-263)

The ONTAP manual pages explain how to use ONTAP CLI commands.

Active IQ Unified Manager enables you to monitor and manage the health and performance of your ONTAP storage systems from a single interface.
This documentation library includes information for version 9.14.
Click this link to view the front page.

Get started (CA08871-241)
Install Unified Manager on VMware vSphere systems (CA08871-243)
Install Unified Manager on Linux systems (CA08871-242)
Install Unified Manager on Windows systems (CA08871-244)
Perform configuration and administrative tasks (CA08871-250)
Monitor and manage storage (CA08871-249)
Manage events and alerts (CA08871-245)
Monitor and manage cluster performance (CA08871-248)
Monitor and manage cluster health (CA08871-247)
Protect and restore data (CA08871-251)
Generate custom reports (CA08871-240)
Manage storage using REST APIs (CA08871-246)

ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere enables you to configure, manage, and protect your virtual datastores in your vCenter Server environment.
This documentation library includes information for version 9.12.
Click this link to view the front page.

Concepts (CA08871-296)
Deploy and upgrade ONTAP tools (CA08871-297)
Configure ONTAP tools (CA08871-298)
Protect datastores and virtual machines (CA08871-299)
Manage ONTAP tools (CA08871-300)

SnapCenter Software is a simple, centralized, scalable platform that provides application consistent data protection for applications, databases, host file systems, and VMs running on ONTAP systems anywhere in the Hybrid Cloud.
Click this link to view the front page.

Concepts (CA08871-271)
SnapCenter Server Installation (CA08871-279)
Protect Microsoft SQL Server databases (CA08871-275)
Protect SAP HANA databases (CA08871-277)
Protect Oracle databases (CA08871-276)
Protect Windows file systems (CA08871-278)
Protect Microsoft Exchange Server databases (CA08871-274)
Protect Custom applications (CA08871-273)
Manage SnapCenter Server and plug-ins (CA08871-272)

SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV) is a Linux-based Virtual Appliance. As a standalone, it provides fast, space-efficient, crash-consistent, and VM-consistent backup and restore operations for VMs, Datastores, and VMDKs. It also works with SnapCenter Server to support application-based backup and restore operations in VMware environments for SnapCenter application-specific plug-ins.
Click this link to view the front page.

Concepts (CA08871-283)
Get started (CA08871-284)
Quick Start (CA08871-285)
Monitor and report (CA08871-286)
Manage Storage (CA08871-287)
Protect Data (CA08871-288)
Mount and Unmount Datastores (CA08871-289)
Restore from backups (CA08871-290)
Attach and Detach VMDKs (CA08871-282)
Restore Guets Files and Folders (CA08871-291)
Manage SnapCenter plugins for VMware vSphare Appliance (CA08871-292)
Manage your configuration (CA08871-295)
REST APIs (CA08871-294)
Upgrade (CA08871-293)

MetroCluster configurations combine array-based clustering with synchronous replication to deliver continuous availability, immediately duplicating all of your mission-critical data on a transaction-by-transaction basis.
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This page provides detailed information about planning and optimizing your ONTAP environment within different ecosystems or using different protocols.
Click this link to view the front page.