SnapCenter Software 6 Manuals ( CA08871-404 )

Clone MySQL database backups using PowerShell cmdlets

The clone workflow includes planning, performing the clone operation, and monitoring the operation.

You must have prepared the PowerShell environment to execute the PowerShell cmdlets.

The information regarding the parameters that can be used with the cmdlet and their descriptions can be obtained by running Get-Help command_name.

  1. Initiate a connection session with the SnapCenter Server for a specified user by using the Open-SmConnection cmdlet.

    PS C:\> Open-SmConnection  -SMSbaseurl  https:\\
  2. Retrieve the backups to perform the clone operation by using the Get-SmBackup cmdlet.

    This example shows that two backups are available for cloning:

     C:\PS> Get-SmBackup
            BackupId                      BackupName                    BackupTime                    BackupType
            --------                      ----------                    ----------                    ----------
             1                     Payroll Dataset_vise-f6_08... 8/4/2015 11:02:32 AM          Full Backup
             2                     Payroll Dataset_vise-f6_08... 8/4/2015 11:23:17 AM
  3. Initiate a clone operation from an existing backup and specify the NFS export IP addresses on which the cloned volumes are exported.

    This example shows that the backup to be cloned has an NFSExportIPs address of

    PS C:\> New-SmClone -AppPluginCode MySQL -BackupName "scs000211748_gdl_englab_fujitsu_com_MySQL_mysqld_3306_scs000211748_06-26-2024_06.08.35.4307" -Resources @{"Host"="";"Uid"="mysqld_3306"} -Port 3320 -CloneToHost
    If NFSExportIPs is not specified, the default is exported to the clone target host.
  4. Verify that the backups were cloned successfully by using the Get-SmCloneReport cmdlet to view the clone job details.

    You can view details such as clone ID, start date and time, end date and time.

    PS C:\> Get-SmCloneReport -JobId 186
        SmCloneId           : 1
        SmJobId             : 186
        StartDateTime       : 8/3/2015 2:43:02 PM
        EndDateTime         : 8/3/2015 2:44:08 PM
        Duration            : 00:01:06.6760000
        Status              : Completed
        ProtectionGroupName : Draper
        SmProtectionGroupId : 4
        PolicyName          : OnDemand_Clone
        SmPolicyId          : 4
        BackupPolicyName    : OnDemand_Full_Log
        SmBackupPolicyId    : 1
        CloneHostName       :
        CloneHostId         : 4
        CloneName           : Draper__clone__08-03-2015_14.43.53
        SourceResources     : {Don, Betty, Bobby, Sally}
        ClonedResources     : {Don_DRAPER, Betty_DRAPER, Bobby_DRAPER, Sally_DRAPER}
        SmJobError          :
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