SnapCenter Software 5 Manuals ( CA08871-403 )

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Back up SQL Server resource groups

You can back up a resource group on demand from the Resources page. If a resource group has a policy attached and a schedule configured, then backups occur automatically according to the schedule.

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Resources, and then select the appropriate plug-in from the list.

  2. In the Resources page, select Resource Group from the View list.

    You can search the resource group either by entering the resource group name in the search box, or by selecting Filter icon, and then selecting the tag. You can then select Filter icon to close the filter pane.

  3. In the Resource Groups page, select the resource group that you want to back up, and then select Back up Now.

  4. In the Backup page, perform the following steps:

    1. If you have associated multiple policies with the resource group, from the Policy drop-down list, select the policy that you want to use for backup.

      If the policy selected for the on-demand backup is associated with a backup schedule, the on-demand backups will be retained based on the retention settings specified for the schedule type.

    2. After backup, select Verify to verify the on-demand backup.

      The Verify option in the policy applies only to scheduled jobs.

    3. Select Backup.

  5. Monitor the operation progress by selecting Monitor > Jobs.

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