SnapCenter Software 6 Manuals ( CA08871-404 )

Upgrade the SnapCenter Server on Linux host

You can use the SnapCenter Server installer file to upgrade the SnapCenter Server.

  1. Perform one of the actions to upgrade SnapCenter Server.

    If you want to perform…​ Do this…​

    Non interactive upgrade

    sudo ./snapcenter-linux-server-(el8/el9/sles15).bin -i silent -DUPGRADE=<value> -DINSTALL_LOG_NAME=<filename>

    Example: sudo ./snapcenter_linux_server.bin -i silent -DUPGRADE=1 -DINSTALL_LOG_NAME=InstallerLog.log

    Logs will be stored at /var/opt/snapcenter/logs.

    Parameters to be passed for upgrade:

    • DINSTALL_LOG_NAME: Log file name where installation logs will be stored.

    • DUPGRADE: The default value is 0. Specify this parameter and it’s value as any integer other than 0 to upgrade the SnapCenter Server.

    Interactive installation


    You will be prompted for upgrade confirmation. Enter any value other than 0 to confirm SnapCenter Server upgrade.

You should either log out and then log into SnapCenter, or close and then open a new browser to access SnapCenter GUI.
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