SnapCenter Software 6 Manuals ( CA08871-404 )

Restore MySQL database using PowerShell cmdlets

Restoring a MySQL backup includes initiating a connection session with the SnapCenter Server, listing the backups and retrieving backup information, and restoring a backup.

Before you begin

You must have prepared the PowerShell environment to execute the PowerShell cmdlets.

  1. Initiate a connection session with the SnapCenter Server for a specified user by using the Open-SmConnection cmdlet.

    PS C:\> Open-SmConnection  -SMSbaseurl  https:\\
  2. Identify the backup that you want to restore by using the Get-SmBackup and Get-SmBackupReport cmdlets.

    This example shows that there are two backups available for the restore:

     PS C:\> Get-SmBackup
            BackupId    BackupName                    BackupTime            BackupType
            --------    ----------                    ----------            ----------
             1          Payroll Dataset_vise-f6_08... 8/4/2015 11:02:32 AM  Full Backup
             2          Payroll Dataset_vise-f6_08... 8/4/2015 11:23:17 AM

    This example displays detailed information about the backup from January 29th 2015 to February 3rd, 2015:

    PS C:\> Get-SmBackupReport -FromDateTime "1/29/2015" -ToDateTime "2/3/2015"
    SmBackupId           : 113
       SmJobId              : 2032
       StartDateTime        : 2/2/2015 6:57:03 AM
       EndDateTime          : 2/2/2015 6:57:11 AM
       Duration             : 00:00:07.3060000
       CreatedDateTime      : 2/2/2015 6:57:23 AM
       Status               : Completed
       ProtectionGroupName  : Clone
       SmProtectionGroupId  : 34
       PolicyName           : Vault
       SmPolicyId           : 18
       BackupName           : Clone_SCSPR0019366001_02-02-2015_06.57.08
       VerificationStatus   : NotVerified
       SmBackupId           : 114
       SmJobId              : 2183
       StartDateTime        : 2/2/2015 1:02:41 PM
       EndDateTime          : 2/2/2015 1:02:38 PM
       Duration             : -00:00:03.2300000
       CreatedDateTime      : 2/2/2015 1:02:53 PM
       Status               : Completed
       ProtectionGroupName  : Clone
       SmProtectionGroupId  : 34
       PolicyName           : Vault
       SmPolicyId           : 18
       BackupName           : Clone_SCSPR0019366001_02-02-2015_13.02.45
       VerificationStatus   : NotVerified
  3. Start the recovery process in the HANA studio.

    The database is shut down.

  4. Restore data from the backup by using the Restore-SmBackup cmdlet.

    AppObjectId is "Host\Plugin\UID", where UID = <instance_name> is for manually discovered MySQL instance resource and UID = <instance_name>\<databse_name> is for MySQL database resource. You can get the ResourceID from the Get-SmResources cmdlet.
    PS C:\> Get-SmResources  -HostName  -PluginCode MySQL

    This example shows how to restore the database from the primary storage:

    PS C:\> Restore-SmBackup -PluginCode MySQL -AppObjectId\MySQL\MySQLinst1\DB01 -BackupId 3

    This example shows how to restore the database from the secondary storage:

    PS C:\> Restore-SmBackup -PluginCode 'MySQL' -AppObjectId\MySQL\MySQLinst1\DB01 -BackupId 399 -Confirm:$false  -Archive @( @{"Primary"="<Primary Vserver>:<PrimaryVolume>";"Secondary"="<Secondary Vserver>:<SecondaryVolume>"})

    The information regarding the parameters that can be used with the cmdlet and their descriptions can be obtained by running Get-Help command_name.

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