Active IQ Unified Manager 9.13

Downloading Unified Manager

You must download the Unified Manager .zip file from the DVD included in the Product.

What you’ll need

You download the same Unified Manager installation package for both Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS systems.

  1. Download the Unified Manager installer file for Linux from the DVD included in the Product, and save the .zip file to a directory on the target system.

    • Ensure that you download the correct version of the installer file for your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system. Based on whether you have Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or 8 installed, ensure that you download the appropriate version of the Unified Manager .zip file.

    • Recommend that you download the code signing certificate (.pem) and digital signature (.sig) along with the .zip file.

  2. Verify the checksum for integrity of the downloaded software.

  3. If you have downloaded the code signing certificate and digital signature, you can verify the integrity of the installer file. You can use the following commands to verify the integrity of the installer file:

    • This command creates a file with the public key from the code signing certificate:

      openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in AIQUM-RHEL-CLIENT-INTER-ROOT.pem > <public_key_file_name>
      • Where AIQUM-RHEL-CLIENT-INTER-ROOT.pem is the file that contains the code signing certificate.

    • This command verifies the signature on the installer file:

      openssl dgst -sha256 -verify <public_key_file_name> -signature <signature_file_name> ActiveIQUnifiedManager-<version>.zip

      The message similar to Verified Ok confirms that the installer file is safe to use.

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