MetroCluster Manuals ( CA08871-401 )
Install a MetroCluster IP configuration
Prepare for the MetroCluster installation
Differences among the ONTAP MetroCluster configurations
Deciding between ONTAP Mediator and MetroCluster Tiebreaker
Considerations for MetroCluster IP configurations
Automatic drive assignment and ADP systems in ONTAP 9.7 and later
ISL requirements
Our validated and MetroCluster-compliant switches
Considerations when deploying MetroCluster in shared layer 2 or layer 3 networks
Considerations for using MetroCluster-compliant switches
Requirements and limitations of MetroCluster-compliant switches
Network speeds and switch port modes for MetroCluster-compliant switches
Unmirrored aggregates in a MetroCluster IP configuration
Firewall usage at MetroCluster sites
Considerations for using virtual IP and Border Gateway Protocol with a MetroCluster configuration
Configure the MetroCluster hardware components
Parts of a MetroCluster IP configuration
Required MetroCluster IP components and naming conventions
Cable the MetroCluster IP switches
How to use the port tables with the RcfFileGenerator tool or multiple MetroCluster configurations
Platform port assignments for Cisco 3132Q-V switches
Platform port assignments for Cisco 3232C or Cisco 9336C switches
Platform port assignments for a Cisco 9336C-FX2 shared switch
Cable the controller data and management ports
Configure the MetroCluster IP switches
Configure Cisco IP switches
Configure the MetroCluster software in ONTAP
How to configure eight-node Configurations
Similarities and differences between standard cluster and MetroCluster configurations
Verify the ha-config state of components
Restoring system defaults on a controller module
Manually assigning drives to pool 0
Configure the clusters into a MetroCluster configuration
Configure end-to-end encryption
Verify switchover, healing, and switchback
Configure the MetroCluster Tiebreaker or ONTAP Mediator software
Configure the ONTAP Mediator service for unplanned automatic switchover
Prepare to install the ONTAP Mediator service
Configuring the ONTAP Mediator service from a MetroCluster IP configuration
Unconfigure the ONTAP Mediator service from the MetroCluster IP configuration
Connect a MetroCluster configuration to a different ONTAP Mediator instance
How the ONTAP Mediator supports automatic unplanned switchover
Testing the MetroCluster configuration
Considerations when removing MetroCluster configurations
Considerations when using ONTAP in a MetroCluster configuration
Install and Configure MetroCluster Tiebreaker
Overview of the Tiebreaker software
Install the Tiebreaker software
Tiebreaker installation workflow
Prepare to install the Tiebreaker software
Install the Tiebreaker software package
Choose your installation procedure
Install Tiebreaker 1.5
Configure the Tiebreaker software
Configure SNMP settings for Tiebreaker software
Monitor the MetroCluster configuration
Risks and limitations of using MetroCluster Tiebreaker in active mode
Firewall requirements for MetroCluster Tiebreaker
Understand MetroCluster data protection and disaster recovery
How MetroCluster protects data and provides disaster recovery
Perform switchover, healing, and switchback
Perform switchover for tests or maintenance
Verify that your system is ready for a switchover
Send a custom AutoSupport message prior to negotiated switchover
Perform a negotiated switchover
Verify that the SVMs are running and the aggregates are online
Commands for switchover, healing, and switchback
Monitor the MetroCluster configuration
Monitor and protecting the file system consistency using NVFAIL
Upgrade, refresh, or expand the MetroCluster configuration
Series port assignments for Cisco 3132Q-V switches
The port usage in a MetroCluster IP configuration depends on the switch model and series type.
Review these guidelines before using the tables:
For all other connections, you can use the port usage assignments listed in the tables.
Port usage for ETERNUS HX2200 or ETERNUS AX2100 series and a Cisco 3132Q-V switch