MetroCluster Manuals ( CA08871-401 )

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Performing a switchback

After you heal the MetroCluster configuration, you can perform the MetroCluster switchback operation. The MetroCluster switchback operation returns the configuration to its normal operating state, with the sync-source storage virtual machines (SVMs) on the disaster site active and serving data from the local disk pools.

  • The disaster cluster must have successfully switched over to the surviving cluster.

  • Healing must have been performed on the data and root aggregates.

  • The surviving cluster nodes must not be in the HA failover state (all nodes must be up and running for each HA pair).

  • The disaster site controller modules must be completely booted and not in the HA takeover mode.

  • The root aggregate must be mirrored.

  • The Inter-Switch Links (ISLs) must be online.

  • Any required licenses must be installed on the system.

    1. Confirm that all nodes are in the enabled state: metrocluster node show

      The following example displays the nodes that are in the enabled state:

      cluster_B::>  metrocluster node show
      DR                        Configuration  DR
      Group Cluster Node        State          Mirroring Mode
      ----- ------- ----------- -------------- --------- --------------------
      1     cluster_A
                    node_A_1    configured     enabled   heal roots completed
                    node_A_2    configured     enabled   heal roots completed
                    node_B_1    configured     enabled   waiting for switchback recovery
                    node_B_2    configured     enabled   waiting for switchback recovery
      4 entries were displayed.
    2. Confirm that resynchronization is complete on all SVMs: metrocluster vserver show

    3. Verify that any automatic LIF migrations being performed by the healing operations have been successfully completed: metrocluster check lif show

    4. Perform a simulated switchback to verify the system is ready: metrocluster switchback -simulate

    5. Check the configuration:

      metrocluster check run

      The command runs as a background job and might not be completed immediately.

      cluster_A::> metrocluster check run
      The operation has been started and is running in the background. Wait for
      it to complete and run "metrocluster check show" to view the results. To
      check the status of the running metrocluster check operation, use the command,
      "metrocluster operation history show -job-id 2245"
      cluster_A::> metrocluster check show
      Last Checked On: 9/13/2018 20:41:37
      Component           Result
      ------------------- ---------
      nodes               ok
      lifs                ok
      config-replication  ok
      aggregates          ok
      clusters            ok
      connections         ok
      6 entries were displayed.
    6. Perform the switchback by running the metrocluster switchback command from any node in the surviving cluster: metrocluster switchback

    7. Check the progress of the switchback operation: metrocluster show

      The switchback operation is still in progress when the output displays waiting-for-switchback:

      cluster_B::> metrocluster show
      Cluster                   Entry Name          State
      ------------------------- ------------------- -----------
       Local: cluster_B         Configuration state configured
                                Mode                switchover
                                AUSO Failure Domain -
      Remote: cluster_A         Configuration state configured
                                Mode                waiting-for-switchback
                                AUSO Failure Domain -

      The switchback operation is complete when the output displays normal:

      cluster_B::> metrocluster show
      Cluster                   Entry Name          State
      ------------------------- ------------------- -----------
       Local: cluster_B         Configuration state configured
                                Mode                normal
                                AUSO Failure Domain -
      Remote: cluster_A         Configuration state configured
                                Mode                normal
                                AUSO Failure Domain -

      If a switchback takes a long time to finish, you can check on the status of in-progress baselines by using the metrocluster config-replication resync-status show command. This command is at the advanced privilege level.

    8. Reestablish any SnapMirror or SnapVault configurations.

      In ONTAP 9.7 and later, the relationship is reestablished automatically.

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