MetroCluster Manuals ( CA08871-401 )

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Installing or upgrading the software package

You must install or upgrade the MetroCluster Tiebreaker software on your local computer to monitor MetroCluster configurations.

About this task
  • You must have installed OpenJDK by using the yum install java-x.x.x-openjdk command. For systems running Tiebreaker 1.4 and earlier, run JRE 8. For systems running Tiebreaker 1.5 and later, run OpenJDK 17, 18, or 19. The outputs in the example show JRE 1.8.0. (JRE 8).

  • You can install MetroCluster Tiebreaker as a non-root user with sufficient administrative privileges to perform the Tiebreaker installation, create tables, users, and set the user password etc.

  1. Download the latest version of the MetroCluster Tiebreaker software from the DVD included in the Product. This example uses version 1.5.

  2. Download the MetroCluster_Tiebreaker_RPM_GPG key:

  3. Log in to the host as the root user.

  4. Create a non-root user and the mcctbgrp group.

    1. Create a non-root user and set the password.

      The following example commands create a non-root user named mcctbuser1:

      [root@mcctb ~]# useradd mcctbuser1
      [root@mcctb ~]# passwd mcctbuser1
      Changing password for user mcctbuser1.
      New password:
      Retype new password:
      passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
    2. Create a group named mcctbgrp:

      [root@mcctb ~~]# groupadd mcctbgrp

    3. Add the non-root user you created to the mcctbgrp group.

      The following command adds mcctbuser1 to the mcctbgrp group:

      [root@mcctb ~]# usermod -a -G mcctbgrp mcctbuser1

  5. Verify the RPM file.

    Run the following substeps from the directory containing the RPM key.

    1. Download and import the RPM key file:

      [root@mcctb ~]# rpm --import MetroCluster_Tiebreaker_RPM_GPG.key
    2. Verify the that the correct key was imported by checking the fingerprint.

      The following example shows a correct key fingerprint:

      root@mcctb:~/signing/mcctb-rpms# gpg --show-keys --with-fingerprint MetroCluster_Tiebreaker_RPM_GPG.key
      pub   rsa3072 2022-11-17 [SCEA] [expires: 2025-11-16]
            65AC 1562 E28A 1497 7BBD  7251 2855 EB02 3E77 FAE5
      uid                      MCCTB-RPM (mcctb RPM production signing) <>
    3. Verify the signature: rpm --checksig Fujitsu-MetroCluster-Tiebreaker-Software-1.5-1.x86_64.rpm

      Fujitsu-MetroCluster-Tiebreaker-Software-1.5-1.x86_64.rpm: digests OK
      You must only proceed with installation after you have successfully verified the signature.
  6. Install or upgrade the Tiebreaker software:

    You can only upgrade to Tiebreaker version 1.5 when you are upgrading from Tiebreaker version 1.4. Upgrading from earlier versions to Tiebreaker 1.5 is not supported.

    Select the correct procedure from below depending on whether you’re performing a new installation or upgrading an existing installation.

    Perform a new installation
    1. Retrieve and record the absolute path for Java:

      [root@mcctb ~]# readlink -f /usr/bin/java
    2. Run the following command: rpm -ivh Fujitsu-MetroCluster-Tiebreaker-Software-1.5-1.x86_64.rpm

      The system displays the following output for a successful installation:

      When prompted during the installation, provide the non-root user that you previously created and assigned to the mcctbgrp group.
      Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
      Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
      Updating / installing...
         1:Fujitsu-MetroCluster-Tiebreaker-So################################# [100%]
      Enter the absolute path for Java : /usr/lib/jvm/java-19-openjdk-
      Verifying if Java exists...
      Found Java. Proceeding with the installation.
      Enter host user account to use for the installation:
      User account mcctbuser1 found. Proceeding with the installation
      Enter database user name:
      Please enter database password for root
      Enter password:
      Sealed          false
      Do you wish to auto unseal vault(y/n)?y
      Enter the key1:
      Enter the key2:
      Enter the key3:
      Success! Uploaded policy: mcctb-policy
      Error enabling approle auth: Error making API request.
      URL: POST
      Code: 400. Errors:
      * path is already in use at approle/
      Success! Enabled the kv secrets engine at: mcctb/
      Success! Data written to: auth/approle/role/mcctb-app
      Password updated successfully in the vault.
      Synchronizing state of fujitsu-metrocluster-tiebreaker-software.service with SysV service script with /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
      Executing: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable fujitsu-metrocluster-tiebreaker-software
      Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/fujitsu-metrocluster-tiebreaker-software.service.
      Attempting to start MetroCluster Tiebreaker software services
      Started MetroCluster Tiebreaker software services
      Successfully installed MetroCluster Tiebreaker software version 1.5.
    Upgrading an existing installation
    1. Verify that a supported version of OpenJDK is installed and is the current Java version located on the host.

      For upgrades to Tiebreaker 1.5, you must install either OpenJDK version 17, 18, or 19.
      [root@mcctb ~]# readlink -f /usr/bin/java
    2. Verify the Vault service is unsealed and running: vault status

      [root@mcctb ~]# vault status
      Key             Value
      ---             -----
      Seal Type       shamir
      Initialized     true
      Sealed          false
      Total Shares    5
      Threshold       3
      Version         1.12.2
      Build Date      2022-11-23T12:53:46Z
      Storage Type    file
      Cluster Name    vault
      Cluster ID      <cluster_id>
      HA Enabled      false
    3. Upgrade the Tiebreaker software.

      [root@mcctb ~]# rpm -Uvh Fujitsu-MetroCluster-Tiebreaker-Software-1.5-1.x86_64.rpm

      The system displays the following output for a successful upgrade:

      Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
      Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
      Updating / installing...
         1:Fujitsu-MetroCluster-Tiebreaker-So################################# [ 50%]
      Enter the absolute path for Java : /usr/lib/jvm/java-19-openjdk-
      Verifying if Java exists...
      Found Java. Proceeding with the installation.
      Enter host user account to use for the installation:
      User account mcctbuser1 found. Proceeding with the installation
      Sealed          false
      Do you wish to auto unseal vault(y/n)?y
      Enter the key1:
      Enter the key2:
      Enter the key3:
      Success! Uploaded policy: mcctb-policy
      Error enabling approle auth: Error making API request.
      URL: POST
      Code: 400. Errors:
      * path is already in use at approle/
      Success! Enabled the kv secrets engine at: mcctb/
      Success! Data written to: auth/approle/role/mcctb-app
      Enter database user name : root
      Please enter database password for root
      Enter password:
      Password updated successfully in the database.
      Password updated successfully in the vault.
      Synchronizing state of fujitsu-metrocluster-tiebreaker-software.service with SysV service script with /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
      Executing: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable fujitsu-metrocluster-tiebreaker-software
      Attempting to start MetroCluster Tiebreaker software services
      Started MetroCluster Tiebreaker software services
      Successfully upgraded MetroCluster Tiebreaker software to version 1.5.
      Cleaning up / removing...
         2:Fujitsu-MetroCluster-Tiebreaker-So################################# [100%]
    If you enter the wrong MySQL root password, the Tiebreaker software indicates that it was installed successfully, but displays "Access denied" messages. To resolve the issue, you must uninstall the Tiebreaker software by using the rpm -e command, and then reinstall the software by using the correct MySQL root password.
  7. Check the Tiebreaker connectivity to the MetroCluster software by opening an SSH connection from the Tiebreaker host to each of the node management LIFs and cluster management LIFs.

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