SANtricity 11 Manuals (CA08872-010)

to Japanese version

View software and firmware inventory

The software and firmware inventory lists the firmware versions for each component in your storage system.

About this task

A storage system is made up of many components, which might include controllers, drives, drawers, and input/output modules (IOMs). Each of these components contains firmware. Some versions of firmware depend on other versions of firmware. To capture information about all of the firmware versions in your storage system, view the software and firmware inventory. Fujitsu Support can analyze the software and firmware inventory to detect any firmware mismatches.

  1. Select Support > Support Center > Support Resources tab.

  2. Scroll down to Launch detailed storage system information, and then select Software and Firmware Inventory.

    The Software and Firmware Inventory report appears on the screen.

  3. To save the software and firmware inventory, click Save.

    The file is saved in the Downloads folder for your browser with the filename firmware-inventory.txt.

  4. Follow the instructions provided by Fujitsu Support to send the file to them.

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