SANtricity 11 Manuals (CA08872-010)

to Japanese version

Enable or disable AutoSupport features

You enable the AutoSupport feature and the individual AutoSupport features during initial setup or you can enable or disable them later.

Before you begin

If you want to enable either AutoSupport OnDemand or Remote Diagnostics, the AutoSupport delivery method must be set to HTTPS.

About this task

You can disable the AutoSupport feature at any time, but you are strongly advised to leave it enabled. Enabling the AutoSupport feature can significantly speed problem determination and resolution should a problem occur on your storage system.

The AutoSupport feature is made up of three individual features that you enable separately.(Only Basic Autosupport is available.)

  • Basic AutoSupport
    Allows your storage system to automatically collect and send data to Fujitsu Support.

  • AutoSupport OnDemand
    Allows Fujitsu Support to request retransmission of a previous AutoSupport dispatch when needed for troubleshooting an issue. All transmissions are initiated from the storage system, not from the AutoSupport server. The storage system checks in periodically with the AutoSupport server to determine if there are any pending retransmission requests and responds accordingly.

  • Remote Diagnostics
    Allows Fujitsu Support to request a new, up-to-date AutoSupport dispatch when needed for troubleshooting an issue. All transmissions are initiated from the storage system, not from the AutoSupport server. The storage system checks in periodically with the AutoSupport server to determine if there are any pending new requests and responds accordingly.

  1. Select Support > Support Center > AutoSupport tab.

  2. Select Enable/Disable AutoSupport Features.

  3. Clear the check boxes next to the AutoSupport features that you want to enable.

  4. Click Save.

    If you disable AutoSupport, a notification appears on the Home page. You can dismiss the notification by clicking Ignore.

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