ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

cluster image show-update-log

Display the update transaction log

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The cluster image show-update-log command displays detailed information about the currently running, or previously run nondisruptive updates. By default, the command displays the following information:

  • Phase

  • Transaction

  • Transaction ID

  • Component ID

  • Time stamp

  • Status


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-trans-id <integer>] - Transaction ID (privilege: advanced)

Displays information for the step associated with the specified transaction ID.

[-component-id {<nodename>|local}] - Component ID (privilege: advanced)

Displays information for steps associated with the specified component.

[-phase {validation|prereq-updates|ontap-updates|package-management|default-phase|post-update-checks}] - Transaction Phase (privilege: advanced)

Displays information for steps associated with the specified update phase.

[-trans-name {initialize|mount-image|restart-hm|get-health|run-scripts|unmount-image|clear-alert|post-restart-hm|cleanup-rd|synch-image|do-download-job|do-failover-job|do-giveback-job|check-progress|complete-validation|invalid-task|default-task|do-postupdate-checks-task}] - Transaction Name (privilege: advanced)

Displays information for steps associated with the specified transaction.

[-timestamp <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Timestamp (privilege: advanced)

Displays information for steps associated with the specified timestamp.

[-status {waiting|started|completed|paused-on-error|paused-by-user|pause-pending|cancel-pending|canceled|failed}] - Status (privilege: advanced)

Displays information for steps matching the specified status.


The following example displays information about automated nondisruptive update events:

cluster1::*> cluster image show-update-log
Phase         Transaction  Id    Component Id       Time Stamp  Status
------------- -----------  ----- -----------------  ----------- ---------------
validation    initialize   50    MUM                2/18/2014   completed

validation    mount-image  51    node1              2/18/2014   completed

validation    mount-image  52    node2              2/18/2014   completed

validation    get-health   53    MUM                2/18/2014   completed

validation    run-scripts  54    node1              2/18/2014   completed

validation    run-scripts  55    node2              2/18/2014   completed

validation    unmount-     56    node1              2/18/2014   completed
              image                                 10:32:57

validation    unmount-     57    node2              2/18/2014   completed
              image                                 10:32:57

validation    complete-    58    MUM                2/18/2014   completed
              validation                            10:32:57

package-      cleanup-     66    node1              3/14/2014   completed
management    package                               09:11:51

package-      cleanup-     67    node2              3/14/2014   completed
management    package                               09:11:51

package-      process-     68    node1              3/14/2014   completed
management    package                               09:13:41

package-      synch-image  69    node2              3/14/2014   completed
management                                          09:14:25

13 entries were displayed.
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