ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

network traceroute


Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The network traceroute command performs a network probe from a node to a specified IP address. The command requires a source node or logical interface and a destination IP address. You can specify the source node by name, or specify a logical interface and its Vserver. The traceroute is performed between the source and destination.


{ -node <nodename> - Node

Use this parameter to originate the traceroute from the node you specify.

| -lif <lif-name> - Logical Interface }

Use this parameter to originate the traceroute from the specified network interface.

-vserver <vserver> - LIF Owner

Use this parameter to originate the traceroute from the Vserver where the intended logical interface resides. The default value is the system Vserver for cluster administrators.

-destination <Remote InetAddress> - Destination

Use this parameter to specify the remote internet address destination of the traceroute.

[-m, -maxttl <integer>] - Maximum Number of Hops

Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of hops (time-to-live) setting used by outgoing probe packets. The default is 30 hops.

[-n, -numeric <true>] - Print Hop Numerically

Use this parameter to print the hop addresses only numerically rather than symbolically and numerically.

[-port <integer>] - Base UDP Port Number

Use this parameter to specify the base UDP port number used in probes. The default is port 33434.

[-packet-size <integer>] - Packet Size

Use this parameter to specify the size of probe packets, in bytes.

[-q, -nqueries <integer>] - Number of Queries

Use this parameter to specify the number of probes per hop. The default is 3 probes.

[-v, -verbose <true>] - Verbose Output

Use this parameter to display all received ICMP packets, rather than just TIME_EXCEEDED and UNREACHABLE packets.

[-w, -waittime <integer>] - Wait Between Packets (secs)

Use this parameter to specify the time (in seconds) to wait for the response to a probe. The default is 5 seconds.


This example shows a traceroute from node node1 to a destination address of, showing a maximum of five hops.

cluster1::> traceroute -node node1 -destination -maxttl 5
 1 <> 0.307 ms 293 ms 305 ms
 2 <> 3.754 ms 3.722 ms 3.981 ms
 3 <> 25.603 ms 24.947 ms 24,565 ms
 4   * * *
 5   * * *

traceroute to, 5 hops max, 52 byte packets
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