ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

qos adaptive-policy-group create

Create an adaptive policy group

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The qos adaptive-policy-group create command creates a new adaptive policy group. After the adaptive policy group is created, you can assign one or more storage objects to the policy. When a storage object is assigned to an adaptive policy group, the maximum throughput QoS setting automatically adjusts based on the storage object used space or the storage object allocated space. QoS minimum throughput setting is calculated from the expected-iops parameter and the storage object allocated size. It is set only for the storage objects that reside on ETERNUS AX series.

After you create an adaptive policy group, use the storage object create command or storage object modify command to apply the adaptive policy group to a storage object.


-policy-group <text> - Name

Specifies the name of the adaptive policy group. Adaptive policy group names must be unique and are restricted to 127 alphanumeric characters including underscores "_" and hyphens "-". Adaptive policy group names must start with an alphanumeric character. Use the qos adaptive-policy-group rename command to change the adaptive policy group name.

-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver

Specifies the data Vserver to which this adaptive policy group belongs to. You can apply this adaptive policy group to only the storage objects contained in the specified Vserver. If the system has only one Vserver, then the command uses that Vserver by default.

-expected-iops {<integer>[IOPS[/{GB|TB}]] (default: TB)} - Expected IOPS

Specifies the minimum expected IOPS per TB or GB allocated based on the storage object allocated size.

-peak-iops {<integer>[IOPS[/{GB|TB}]] (default: TB)} - Peak IOPS

Specifies the maximum possible IOPS per TB or GB allocated based on the storage object allocated size or the storage object used size.

[-absolute-min-iops <qos_tput>] - Absolute Minimum IOPS

Specifies the absolute minimum IOPS which is used as an override when the expected IOPS is less than this value. The default value is computed as follows:

if expected-iops >= 6144/TB, then absolute-min-iops = 1000IOPS; if expected-iops >= 2048/TB and expected-iops < 6144/TB, then absolute-min-iops = 500IOPS; if expected-iops >= 1/MB and expected-iops < 2048/TB, then absolute-min-iops = 75IOPS.

[-expected-iops-allocation {used-space|allocated-space}] - Expected IOPS Allocation

Specifies the expected IOPS allocation policy. The allocation policy is either allocated-space or used-space . When the expected-iops-allocation policy is set to allocated-space , the expected IOPS is calculated based on the size of the storage object. When the expected-iops-allocation policy is set to used-space , the expected IOPS is calculated based on the amount of data stored in the storage object taking into account storage efficiencies. The default value is allocated-space .

[-peak-iops-allocation {used-space|allocated-space}] - Peak IOPS Allocation

Specifies the peak IOPS allocation policy. The allocation policy is either allocated-space or used-space . When the peak-iops-allocation policy is set to allocated-space , the peak IOPS is calculated based on the size of the storage object. When the peak-iops-allocation policy is set to used-space , the peak IOPS is calculated based on the amount of data stored in the storage object taking into account storage efficiencies. The default value is used-space .

[-block-size {ANY|4K|8K|16K|32K|64K|128K}] - Block Size

Specifies the I/O block size for the QoS adaptive policy group. The default value is "ANY". When block-size of "ANY" is specified, then control is by IOPS. When block-size other than "ANY" is specified, then control is by IOPS and bytes per second(bps). bps is the product of IOPS and block-size.


cluster1::> qos adaptive-policy-group create p1 -vserver vs1
            -expected-iops 100IOPS/TB -peak-iops 1000/TB

Creates the "p1" adaptive policy group which belongs to Vserver "vs1" with expected-iops of 100IOPS/TB and peak-iops of 1000IOPS/TB with default value for absolute-min-iops

cluster1::> qos adaptive-policy-group create p2 -vserver vs1
        -expected-iops 100IOPS/GB -peak-iops 1000IOPS/GB
        -absolute-min-iops 200IOPS

Creates the "p1" adaptive policy group which belongs to Vserver "vs1" with expected-iops of 100IOPS/TB and peak-iops of 1000IOPS/TB with the absolute-min-iops set to 200IOPS.

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