ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

storage tape online

Bring a tape drive online

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command brings a specified tape drive online.


-node {<nodename>|local} - Node

Use this parameter to specify the node to which the tape drive is attached.

{ -device-id <text> - Tape Drive Device ID

Use this parameter to specify the device ID of the tape drive that needs to be brought online.

| -name <text> - Tape Drive Device Name }

Use this parameter to specify the device name of the tape drive that needs to be brought online. The format of the device -name name includes a prefix to specify how the tape cartridge is handled and a suffix to describe the density of the tape. The prefix suggests 'r', 'nr' or 'ur' for rewind, no rewind, or unload/reload and a suffix shows density of 'l', 'm', 'h' or 'a'. For example, a tape device name for this operation might have the form "nrst8m" were 'nr' is the 'no rewind' prefix, 'st8' is the alias-name and 'm' is the tape density. You can use the 'storage tape show -device-names' command to find more information about device names of tape drives attached to a node.


The following example brings the tape drive with device id sw4:2.126L4 attached to the node, cluster1-01, online.

cluster1::> storage tape online -node cluster1-01 -device-id sw4:2.126L4
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