ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

vserver object-store-server modify

Modify an object store server

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver object-store-server modify command modifies an object store server.


-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver

This parameter specifies the name of the Vserver for the object store server which you want to modify.

[-object-store-server <Object store server name>] - Object Store Server Name

This parameter specifies the name of the object store server. Note that the object-store-server name must not begin with a bucket name.

[-is-http-enabled {true|false}] - Accept Connections Over HTTP

This optional parameter specifies if server should accept HTTP connections.

[-is-https-enabled {true|false}] - Accept Connections Over HTTPS

This optional parameter specifies if server should accept HTTPS connections.

[-certificate-name <text>] - Name of Certificate Used for HTTPS Connections

Common name of the certificate used for HTTPS connections.

[-listener-port <integer>] - Object Store Server Listener Port

This parameter specifies the listener port for the object store server.

[-secure-listener-port <integer>] - Object Store Server Listener Port for HTTPS

This parameter specifies the secure listener port for the object store server.

[-status-admin {down|up}] - Object Store Server Administrative State

This parameter specifies the administrative status of the object store server.

[-comment <text>] - Object Store Server Description

This parameter specifies the text comment for the object store server.

[-default-unix-user <text>] - Default UNIX User for NAS Access

This optional parameter specifies the default UNIX user used for name-mapping from an S3 user to UNIX user during NAS access.

[-default-win-user <text>] - Default Windows User for NAS Access

This optional parameter specifies the default Windows user used for name-mapping from an S3 user to Windows user during NAS access.

[-is-ldap-fastbind-enabled {true|false}] - Is LDAP FastBind Authentication Enabled? (privilege: advanced)

This parameter specifies whether LDAP FastBind authentication is enabled for the object store server.

[-max-key-time-to-live {P[<integer>D]T[<integer>H][<integer>M][<integer>S] | P<integer>W}] - Maximum Value for Key TTL

This parameter specifies the maximum permissible value for object store user key time-to-live property.


The following example modifies the name of the object store server for Vserver vs1.

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server modify -vserver vs1 -object-store-server OSS2
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