ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

lun maxsize

Display the maximum possible size of a LUN on a given volume or qtree.

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command returns the maximum size of LUNs for different OS types in a volume or qtree. The command also includes possible maximum size for LUNs with Snapshots or without Snapshots. You can specify the path of the volume or qtree to determine the maximum size of a LUN that you want to create within that volume or qtree.

If you do not specify a path, the command returns the maximum LUN size for each OS type for all volumes and qtrees in a cluster.

The available space in a volume can change over time which means that the size reported by lun maxsize can change as well. In addition, the maximum LUN size allowed in a lun resize command may be less than the size reported by lun maxsize .


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver Name

Specifies the Vserver.

{ [-path <qtree path>] - Volume or Qtree Path

Specifies the path of the root volume or qtree. Examples of correct volume and qtree paths are /vol/vol1 and /vol/vol1/qtree1 .

| [-volume <volume name>] - Volume Name

Specifies the volume that contains the LUN you want to get the maximum size for.

[-qtree <qtree name>] - Qtree Name }

Specifies the qtree that contains the LUN you want to get the maximum size for.

[-t, -ostype <text>] - OS Type

Specifies the OS type for the new LUN.
On an All SAN Array, the following OS types are supported:

  • aix - the LUN will be used with AIX.

  • hyper_v - the LUN will be used with Microsoft Hyper-V.

  • linux - the LUN will be used with Linux.

  • vmware - the LUN will be used with VMware VMFS.

  • windows - the LUN will be used with Microsoft Windows.

On all other clusters, the following OS types are supported:

  • aix - the LUN will be used with AIX.

  • hpux - the LUN will be used with HP-UX.

  • hyper_v - the LUN will be used with Microsoft Hyper-V.

  • linux - the LUN will be used with Linux.

  • netware - the LUN will be used with NetWare.

  • openvms - the LUN will be used with Open-VMS.

  • solaris - the LUN will be used with Solaris slice partitioning.

  • solaris_efi - the LUN will be used with Solaris EFI partitioning.

  • vmware - the LUN will be used with VMware VMFS.

  • windows - the LUN will be used with a Master Boot Record (MBR) partition table on Microsoft Windows 2003 or earlier.

  • windows_2008 - the LUN will be used with Microsoft Windows 2008 or later.

  • windows_gpt - the LUN will be used with a GUID Partition Type (GPT) partition table on Microsoft Windows.

  • xen - the LUN will be used with Xen

[-complete-ss-reserve <size>] - With Complete Snapshot Reserve

Shows the maximum size possible of a LUN if you have the complete Snapshot reserve enabled.

[-ss-reserve <size>] - With Snapshot Reserve

Shows the maximum size possible of a LUN if you have the Snapshot reserve enabled.

[-without-ss-reserve <size>] - Without Snapshot Reserve

Shows the maximum size possible of a LUN if you have no Snapshot reserve enabled.


cluster1::> lun maxsize -vserver vs1 -volume vol1 -ostype linux
Virtual                                       Without    With SS   Complete
Server     Volume       Qtree        OS Type  SS Reserve Reserve   SS Reserve
---------- ------------ ------------ -------- ---------- --------- ----------
vs1        vol1         ""           linux          45MB      45MB       45MB

Displays the maximum size of a LUN for the OS type linux.

cluster1::> lun maxsize -vserver vs1 -volume vol1
                                                 Without   With SS   Complete
Vserver    Volume       Qtree        OS Type  SS Reserve   Reserve SS Reserve
---------- ------------ ------------ -------- ---------- --------- ----------
vs1        vol1         ""           aix           178MB     178MB      178MB
             hpux          178MB     178MB      178MB
             hyper_v     172.6MB   172.6MB    172.6MB
             linux         178MB     178MB      178MB
             netware       178MB     178MB      178MB
             openvms       178MB     178MB      178MB
             solaris       178MB     178MB      178MB
             solaris_efi   178MB     178MB      178MB
             windows     172.6MB   172.6MB    172.6MB
                         172.6MB   172.6MB    172.6MB
             windows_gpt 172.6MB   172.6MB    172.6MB
             xen           178MB     178MB      178MB
12 entries were displayed.

Displays the maximum size of LUNs for all OS types on volume vol1.

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