ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

lun modify

Modify a LUN

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command modifies LUN attributes. Because LUN modifications can result in data corruption or other problems, we recommend that you call our Support if you are unsure of the possible consequences of modifying a LUN.


-vserver <Vserver Name> - Vserver Name

Specifies the Vserver.

{ -path <path> - LUN Path

Specifies the path for the LUN you want to modify. Examples of correct LUN paths are /vol/vol1/lun1 and /vol/vol1/qtree1/lun1 .

| -volume <volume name> - Volume Name

Specifies the volume for the LUN you want to modify.

-qtree <qtree name> - Qtree Name

Specifies the qtree for the LUN you want to modify.

-lun <text> - LUN Name }

Specifies the name for the LUN you want to modify. A LUN name is a case-sensitive name and has the following requirements:

  • Must contain one to 255 characters. Spaces are not allowed.

  • Can contain the letters A through Z, a through z, numbers 0 through 9, hyphen (-), underscore (_), right bracket (}), left bracket ({) and period (.).

  • Must start with a letter or number.

[-space-reserve {enabled|disabled}] - Space Reservation

Specifies whether the space reservation setting is enabled or disabled for a LUN. If you set the parameter to enabled , the LUN is space-reserved. If you set the parameter to disabled , the LUN is non-space reserved. The default is enabled .

{ [-serial <text>] - Serial Number

Specifies the serial number for the LUN you want to modify.

The LUN serial number is a twelve-character alphanumeric string containing one or more of the following:

  • upper- and lower-case letters

  • numbers

  • the characters: , <, >, /, -, #, $, %, *, +, =, ?, @, [, !, ], ^, ~

Some of the characters that are valid in a LUN serial number also have special meaning to the cluster shell command line:

  • The question mark (?) activates the command line active help. In order to type a question mark as part of a LUN’s serial number, it is necessary to disable active help with the command set -active-help false . Active help can later be re-enabled with the command set -active-help true .

  • The number sign (#) indicates the beginning of a comment to the command line and will cause the remainder of the line to be ignored. To avoid this, enclose the serial number in double quotes (").

Alternatively, the -serial-hex parameter can be used to set the LUN serial number specifying the serial number encoded in hexadecimal form.

| [-serial-hex <Hex String>] - Serial Number (Hex) }

Specifies the serial number, encoded in hexadecimal form, for the LUN you want to modify. See the description of the -serial parameter for additional details.

[-comment <text>] - Comment

Specifies the comment for the LUN you want to modify.

[-space-allocation {enabled|disabled}] - Space Allocation

Specifies the new value for the space allocation attribute of the LUN. The space allocation attribute determines if the LUN supports the SCSI Thin Provisioning features defined in the Logical Block Provisioning section of the SCSI SBC-3 standard.

Specifying enabled for this parameter enables support for the SCSI Thin Provisioning features.

Specifying disabled for this parameter disables support for the SCSI Thin Provisioning features.

Hosts and file systems that do not support SCSI Thin Provisioning should not enable space allocation.

[-state {online|offline|nvfail|space-error|foreign-lun-error}] - State

Specifies the administrative state of a LUN. The options are:

  • online

  • offline

{ [-device-legacy-id <integer>] - Device Legacy ID

Specifies the device legacy ID for the LUN you want to modify.

| [-device-binary-id <text>] - Device Binary ID

Specifies the device binary ID for the LUN you want to modify.

| [-clear-binary-id <true>] - Clear Device Binary ID }

Clears the binary format of the optional device ID.

{ [-device-text-id <text>] - Device Text ID

Specifies the device text ID for the LUN you want to modify.

| [-clear-text-id <true>] - Clear Device Text ID }

Clears the text format of the optional device ID.

{ [-qos-policy-group <text>] - QoS Policy Group

This optionally specifies which QoS policy group to apply to the lun. This policy group defines measurable service level objectives (SLOs) that apply to the storage objects with which the policy group is associated. If you do not assign a policy group to a lun, the system will not monitor and control the traffic to it. To remove this lun from a policy group, enter the reserved keyword "none".

| [-qos-adaptive-policy-group <text>] - QoS Adaptive Policy Group }

This optional parameter specifies which QoS adaptive policy group to apply to the LUN. This policy group defines measurable service level objectives (SLOs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that adjust based on the LUN’s allocated space or used space. To remove this LUN from an adaptive policy group, enter the reserved keyword "none".

[-caching-policy <text>] - Caching Policy Name

This optionally specifies the caching policy to apply to the LUN. A caching policy defines how the system caches this volume’s data in Flash Cache modules. If a caching policy is not assigned to this LUN, the system uses the caching policy that is assigned to the containing volume or Vserver. If a caching policy is not assigned to the containing volume or Vserver, the system uses the default cluster-wide policy. The available caching policies are:

  • none - Does not cache any user data or metadata blocks.

  • auto - Read caches all metadata and randomly read user data blocks, and write caches all randomly overwritten user data blocks.

  • meta - Read caches only metadata blocks.

  • random_read - Read caches all metadata and randomly read user data blocks.

  • random_read_write - Read caches all metadata, randomly read and randomly written user data blocks.

  • all_read - Read caches all metadata, randomly read and sequentially read user data blocks.

  • all_read_random_write - Read caches all metadata, randomly read, sequentially read, and randomly written user data.

  • all - Read caches all data blocks read and written. It does not do any write caching.

Default caching-policy is auto.

[-disable-smas-proxy <true>] - Disable SMAS Proxy (privilege: advanced)

Force the modification to run locally without sending the operation to the source of the SnapMirror Synchronous relationship. The operation may still fail if not supported on the secondary side in the current state.


cluster1::> lun modify -path /vol/vol1/lun1 -space-reserve disable

Disables the space reserve attribute for LUN /vol/vol1/lun1.

cluster1::> lun modify -path /vol/vol1/lun1 -state offline

Takes the LUN /vol/vol1/lun1 offline.

cluster1::> lun modify -path /vol/vol1/lun1 -comment "new comment"

Adds the comment "new comment" to the LUN /vol/vol1/lun1.

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