ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

vserver object-store-server bucket show

Display object store server buckets

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver object-store-server bucket show command displays information about the object store server bucket.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver Name

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about the object store server buckets for the specified Vserver

[-bucket <TextNoCase>] - Object Store Server Bucket Name

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified bucket.

[-type {s3|nas}] - Type of bucket

This parameter specifies the type of bucket.

[-versioning-state {disabled|enabled|suspended}] - Object Store Server Versioning State

This parameter specifies the state of the versioning on a bucket.

[-uuid <UUID>] - Object Store Server Bucket UUID

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified bucket uuid.

[-comment <text>] - Object Store Server Bucket Comment

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified comment.

[-volume <volume name>] - Hosting Volume Name

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified volume.

[-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Size of the Bucket

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified size.

[-logical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Object Store Server Bucket Logical Used Size

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified logical used size.

[-object-count <integer>] - Object Store Server Object Count

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified object-count.

[-encryption {true|false}] - Is Encryption Enabled on Bucket

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified encryption field.

[-qos-policy-group <text>] - QoS policy group

A policy group defines measurable service level objectives (SLOs) that apply to the storage objects with which the policy group is associated. If you do not assign a policy group to a bucket, the system wil not monitor and control the traffic to it.

[-is-protected {true|false}] - Is bucket a FabricLink source and protected

This parameter specifies whether a bucket is protected using Snapmirror relationship to another bucket.

[-is-protected-on-ontap {true|false}] - Is bucket protected over ONTAP

This parameter specifies whether a bucket is protected using Snapmirror relationship to another ONTAP bucket.

[-is-protected-on-cloud {true|false}] - Is bucket protected over Cloud

This parameter specifies whether a bucket is protected using Snapmirror relationship to a Cloud bucket.

[-is-protected-on-external-cloud {true|false}] - Is bucket protected on External Cloud

This parameter specifies whether a bucket is protected using S3 Snapmirror relationship to a bucket on an external Cloud provider i.e. excluding providers types ONTAP_S3 and SGWS.

[-nas-path <text>] - NAS Path corresponding to the Bucket

This parameter specifies the path to the NAS directory which the bucket maps to.

[-retention-mode {no-lock|compliance|governance}] - Bucket Retention Mode

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified retention-mode. This parameter specifies the object locking mode of the bucket.

[-default-retention-period {{<integer> days|years} | none}] - Bucket Default Retention Period

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified default-retention-period field. This parameter specifies the default-retention-period applied on the bucket.


The following example displays information of all object store servers buckets:

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server bucket show
nsankaracluster-1::*> vserver object-store-server bucket show
Vserver     Bucket          Type     Volume            Size       Encryption Role       NAS Path
----------- --------------- -------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
vs1         s3bucket1       nas      s3adapter         -          false      -          /s3adapter
vs1         testbucket1     s3       fg_oss_1654817100 1.56GB     false      standalone -
 Comment: test1
vs2         nasbucket1      nas      vol2              -          false      -          /vol2
vs2         nasbucket2      nas      vol2              -          false      -          /vol2
4 entries were displayed.

The following example displays information of the object store server bucket associated with Vserver vs1:

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server bucket show -vserver vs1
Vserver     Bucket          Type     Volume            Size       Encryption Role       NAS Path
----------- --------------- -------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
vs1         s3bucket1       nas       s3adapter         -          false      -          /s3adapter
vs1         testbucket1     s3        fg_oss_1654817100 1.56GB     false      standalone -
 Comment: test1

The following example displays detailed information of the object store server bucket associated with Vserver vs1:

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server bucket show -vserver vs1 -instance
Vserver Name: vs1
             Object Store Server Bucket Name: s3bucket1
                              Type of bucket: nas
        Object Store Server Versioning State: -
             Object Store Server Bucket UUID: c621d53a-ddf0-11ec-958f-005056bba281
          Object Store Server Bucket Comment:
               Hosting FlexGroup Volume Name: s3adapter
                          Size of the Bucket: -
Object Store Server Bucket Logical Used Size: -
            Object Store Server Object Count: -
             Is Encryption Enabled on Bucket: false
                            QoS policy group: -
                          Role of the Bucket: -
 Is bucket a FabricLink source and protected: -
              Is bucket protected over ONTAP: -
              Is bucket protected over Cloud: -
       Is bucket protected on External Cloud: -
        NAS Path corresponding to the Bucket: /s3adapter
Vserver Name: vs1
             Object Store Server Bucket Name: testbucket1
                              Type of bucket: s3
        Object Store Server Versioning State: disabled
             Object Store Server Bucket UUID: 6a1fa354-e84b-11ec-adce-005056bba281
          Object Store Server Bucket Comment:
               Hosting FlexGroup Volume Name: fg_oss_1654817100
                          Size of the Bucket: 1.56GB
Object Store Server Bucket Logical Used Size: 0B
            Object Store Server Object Count: 0
             Is Encryption Enabled on Bucket: false
                            QoS policy group: -
                          Role of the Bucket: standalone
 Is bucket a FabricLink source and protected: false
              Is bucket protected over ONTAP: false
              Is bucket protected over Cloud: false
       Is bucket protected on External Cloud: false
        NAS Path corresponding to the Bucket: -
2 entries were displayed.
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