ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system service-processor image show

Display the details of currently installed Service Processor firmware image

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system service-processor image show command displays information about the currently installed firmware images on the Service Processor of each node in a cluster. You can limit output to specific types of information and specific nodes in the cluster, or filter output by specific field values.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Selects firmware image information for the Service Processor of the specified node.

[-image {primary|backup}] - Image

Selects firmware image information for the Service Processors that are running the primary or backup image as specified.

[-type {SP|NONE|BMC}] - Type

Selects firmware image information for the Service Processors of the specified type.

[-status {installed|corrupt|updating|auto-updating|none}] - Image Status

Selects firmware image information for the Service Processors whose image status matches the specified value.

[-is-current {true|false}] - Is Image Current

Selects firmware image information for the SP whose current image matches the specified status. This parameter indicates the partition (primary or backup) that the SP is currently booted from, not whether the installed firmware version is most current.

[-version <text>] - Firmware Version

Selects firmware image information for the Service Processors running the specified firmware version.

[-autoupdate {true|false}] - Firmware Autoupdate

Selects firmware image information for the Service Processors whose automatic update matches the specified configuration.

[-last-update-status {failed|passed}] - Last Update Status

Selects firmware image information for the Service Processors whose last update is of the specified status.


The following command displays basic firmware information for the Service Processors of all the nodes.

cluster1::> system service-processor image show
Node             Type  Image   Status      Current Version
---------------- ----- ------- ----------- ------- --------
node1            SP
                       primary installed   true    2.2X8
                       backup  installed   false   2.2X5
node2            SP
                       primary installed   true    2.2X8
                       backup  installed   false   2.2X5
4 entries were displayed.


The following command displays all available firmware information for the Service Processors of all the nodes.

cluster1::> system service-processor image show -instance
Node: node1
              Image: primary
               Type: SP
       Image Status: installed
   Is Image Current: true
   Firmware Version: 2.2X8
Firmware Autoupdate: true
 Last Update Status: passed
Node: node1
              Image: backup
               Type: SP
       Image Status: installed
   Is Image Current: false
   Firmware Version: 2.2X5
Firmware Autoupdate: true
 Last Update Status: passed
Node: node2
              Image: primary
               Type: SP
       Image Status: installed
   Is Image Current: true
   Firmware Version: 2.2X8
Firmware Autoupdate: true
 Last Update Status: passed
Node: node2
              Image: backup
               Type: SP
       Image Status: installed
   Is Image Current: false
   Firmware Version: 2.2X5
Firmware Autoupdate: true
 Last Update Status: passed
4 entries were displayed.

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