ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

security session request-statistics show-by-application

Show session request statistics by application

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The security session request-statistics show-by-application command shows historical statistics for management session activity, categorized by application name. CLI sessions connections will have an application name based on the connection method, i.e.: ssh , telnet , rsh , console , or ngsh . ONTAPI sessions will extract the application name from the ZAPI request. ONTAP looks for the application name in the following three locations, in the following order of precedence:

     1. The "X-Dot-Client-App" HTTP header;
     2. The "app-name" attribute of the "fujitsu" element, within the ZAPI XML request;
     3. The "User-Agent" HTTP header.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the node that processed the session.

[-interface {cli|ontapi|rest}] - Interface

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the interface (CLI, ONTAPI, or REST) that processed the session.

[-application <text>] - Application

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the calling application by name.

[-total <integer>] - Total Requests

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the total number of requests that have been made on a session. The following commands are not counted: top, up, cd, rows, history, exit.

[-blocked <integer>] - Blocked Requests

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the number of requests that were blocked due to configured limits.

[-failed <integer>] - Failed Requests

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the number of requests that failed for any reason (including if they were blocked by configured limits).

[-max-time <integer>] - Maximum Time (ms)

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that any request took.

[-last-time <integer>] - Last Time (ms)

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the last request took.

[-active <integer>] - Number Active Now

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the number of currently active sessions.

[-max-active <integer>] - Max Number Active

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the maximum number of concurrently active sessions.

[-last-active-seconds <integer>] - Seconds Since Last Session Start

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. When a session is active, this indicates the time (in seconds) since the last session started.

[-idle-seconds <integer>] - Idle Seconds

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. When no sessions are active, this indicates the time (in seconds) since the last session ended.

[-total-seconds <integer>] - Total Seconds

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the total time (in seconds) that have been taken by all completed requests; it does not include session idle time.

[-average-time <integer>] - Average Time (ms)

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the mean time spent processing requests.

[-success-percent <percent>] - Success Percent

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the percentage of successful requests.

[-blocked-percent <percent>] - Blocked Percent

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the percentage of requests that were blocked due to configured limits.

[-failed-percent <percent>] - Failed Percent

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the percentage of requests that failed for any reason (including if they were blocked by configured limits).

[-max-active-limit <integer>] - Max-Active Limit (privilege: advanced)

Selects the sessions that match this parameter value. This identifies the configured limit that is used to throttle or reject requests.


The following example illustrates displaying historical statistics for all management session activity across the cluster, categorized by application name.

cluster1::> security session request-statistics show-by-application

Node: node1               Interface: cli                 Idle    Total
Application                  Total Now Max Pass Fail  Seconds  Seconds Avg (ms)
------------------------- -------- --- --- ---- ---- -------- -------- --------
console                       2126   0   6  95%   96       68      361      170
ssh                              6   2   3 100%    0        -      794   132444

Node: node1               Interface: ontapi              Idle    Total
Application                  Total Now Max Pass Fail  Seconds  Seconds Avg (ms)
------------------------- -------- --- --- ---- ---- -------- -------- --------
api_test                         2   0   1 100%    0       13        0       18

Node: node2               Interface: cli                 Idle    Total
Application                  Total Now Max Pass Fail  Seconds  Seconds Avg (ms)
------------------------- -------- --- --- ---- ---- -------- -------- --------
console                       2090   0   6  95%   96       90      655      313
4 entries were displayed.


The following example illustrates displaying historical statistics for management session activity on a specific node and for a specific application.

cluster1::> security session request-statistics show-by-application -node node1 -application api_test

Node: node1               Interface: ontapi              Idle    Total
Application                  Total Now Max Pass Fail  Seconds  Seconds Avg (ms)
------------------------- -------- --- --- ---- ---- -------- -------- --------
api_test                         2   0   1 100%    0      102        0       18

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