ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

vserver cifs session file show

Display opened CIFS files

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver cifs session file show command displays information about all open CIFS files. The command output depends on the parameter or parameters specified with the command. If you do not specify any parameters, the command displays the following information about all open CIFS files:

  • Node name

  • Vserver name

  • CIFS connection ID

  • CIFS session ID

  • CIFS file ID

  • CIFS file type

  • CIFS file open mode

  • CIFS file hosting volume

  • CIFS share name

  • CIFS file path

  • Continuously available protection level

    You can specify additional parameters to display only information that matches those parameters. For example, to display information only about CIFS files opened on connection ID 2012, run the command with the `-connection-id parameter set to ` 2012.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify this parameter, the command only displays the fields that you specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify this parameter, the command displays detailed information about matching open CIFS files.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about the open CIFS files on the specified node.

[-vserver <vserver name>] - Vserver

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about open CIFS files on the specified CIFS-enabled Vserver.

[-file-id <integer>] - File ID

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about the open CIFS file that match the specified file ID.

[-connection-id <integer>] - Connection ID

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about open CIFS files that are opened on the specified connection ID.

[-session-id <integer>] - Session ID

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about the CIFS file that are opened on the specified session ID.

[-connection-count <integer>] - Connection Count

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about CIFS files opened through a session that have the specified number of CIFS connections.

[-file-type <CIFS File Type>] - File Type

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about opened CIFS files that are of the specified file type. The file type can be any of these: Regular, Symlink, Stream, or Directory.

[-open-mode <CIFS Open Mode>] - Open Mode

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about CIFS files that are opened with the specified mode. The open mode can include one or more of the following:

  • R - This property specifies that the file is opened for read.

  • W - This property specifies that the file is opened for write.

  • D - This property specifies that the file is opened for delete.

The open mode can have multiple values specified as a list with no commas.

[-hosting-aggregate <aggregate name>] - Aggregate Hosting File

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about open CIFS files that reside on the specified aggregate.

[-hosting-volume <volume name>] - Volume Hosting File

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about open CIFS files that reside on the specified volume.

[-share <Share>] - CIFS Share

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about CIFS files that are opened over the specified CIFS share.

[-path <text>] - Path from CIFS Share

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about open CIFS files that match the specified CIFS file path.

[-share-mode <CIFS Open Mode>] - Share Mode

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about open CIFS files that are opened with the specified share mode. The share mode can include one or more of the following:

  • R - This property specifies that the file is shared for read.

  • W - This property specifies that the file is shared for write.

  • D - This property specifies that the file is shared for delete.

The share mode can have multiple values specified as a list with no commas.

[-range-locks <integer>] - Range Locks

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about open CIFS files that have the specified number of range locks.

[-continuously-available <CIFS Open File Protection>] - Continuously Available

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about open CIFS files with or without continuously available protection. The open files are "continuously available" if they are opened from an SMB 3 client through a share with the "continuously_available" property set. These open files are capable of non-disruptively recovering from takeover and giveback as well as general aggregate relocation between partners in a high-availability relationship. Streams opened through a continuously available share are permitted, but are not currently made continuously available. Directories may be opened through a continuously available share, but, by design, will not appear continuously available as clients do not open them that way. These protection levels are applicable to the files on read/write volumes residing on storage failover aggregates.

The continuously available status can be one of the following:

  • No - The open file is not continuously available.

  • Yes - The open file is continuously available.

[-reconnected <text>] - Reconnected

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about open CIFS files that have the specified reconnected state. The reconnected state can be one of the following:

  • No - The open file is not reconnected.

  • Yes - The open file is reconnected.

[-flexgroup-msid <integer>] - FlexGroup MSID

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about open CIFS files that reside on the volume within the FlexGroup with the specified MSID..


The following example displays information about all open CIFS files:

cluster1::> vserver cifs session file show

Node:       node1
Vserver:    vs1
Connection: 2192
Session:    1
Connection Count: 4
File    File      Open Hosting                               Continuously
ID      Type      Mode Volume          Share                 Available
------- --------- ---- --------------- --------------------- ------------
7       Regular   rw   rootvs1         rootca                Yes
Path: \win8b8.txt

The following example displays information about a CIFS file with file-id 7.

cluster1::> vserver cifs session file show -file-id 7 -instance
Node: node1
               Vserver: vs1
               File ID: 7
         Connection ID: 2192
            Session ID: 1
      Connection count: 4
             File Type: Regular
             Open Mode: rw
Aggregate Hosting File: aggr1
   Volume Hosting File: rootvs1
            CIFS Share: rootca
  Path from CIFS Share: \win8b8.txt
            Share Mode: rd
           Range Locks: 0
Continuously Available: Yes
           Reconnected: No
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