ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system node internal-switch show

Display onboard switch attributes

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system node internal-switch show command is used to display the internal switch state information and the link status.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Use this parameter to specify the node the switch resides on.

[-switch-id <integer>] - Switch

Use this parameter to specify the switch id. For example, 1.

[-port-id <integer>] - Port

Use this parameter to specify the port id. For example, 0.

[-port-name <text>] - Port Name

Use this parameter to specify the port name. For example, e0M.

[-auto-admin <Auto-negotiation setting>] - Auto-Negotiation Administrative

Use this parameter to show the auto-negotiation administrative setting. 'enable' or 'disable'.

[-auto-op <Auto-negotiation setting>] - Auto-Negotiation Operational

Use this parameter to show the auto-negotiation operational setting. 'unknown', 'complete', 'incomplete', 'failded' or 'disabled'.

[-duplex-admin <Duplex>] - Duplex Mode Administrative

Use this parameter to show the duplex mode administrative setting. 'half' or 'full'.

[-duplex-op <Duplex>] - Duplex Mode Operational

Use this parameter to show the duplex mode operational setting. 'half' or 'full'.

[-speed-admin <Link speed>] - Speed Administrative

Use this parameter to show the speed administrative setting. '10', '100' or '1000'.

[-speed-op <Link speed>] - Speed Operational

Use this parameter to show the speed operational setting. '10', '100' or '1000'.

[-link <Link Status>] - Link State

Use this parameter to show the link state, 'up' or 'down'.

[-up-admin <Link Status>] - Up Administrative

Use this parameter to show the up administrative setting, 'up' or 'down'.

[-fc-op <Flow control>] - Flow Control Operational

Use this parameter to show the flow control operational setting, 'full', 'send', 'receive' or 'none'.


The example shows the attributes of the internal switch 0 on the node Node1.

cluster1::> system node internal-switch show -node Node1 -switch-id 0
                              Auto-Negot           Duplex      Speed(Mbps)
Port Role              Link   Admin/Oper           Admin/Oper  Admin/Oper
---  ----------------  -----  ------------------  -----------  -----------
Node: Node1        , Switch: 0
0    sw-wrench         up       enable/complete    full/full    1000/1000
1    sw-locked-wrench  down     enable/incomplete  full/half     100/10
2    sw-e0M            up       enable/complete    full/full    1000/1000
3    sw-e0P            down     enable/incomplete  full/half     100/10
4    sw-midplane-1     down     enable/incomplete  full/half     100/10
5    sw-expander-1     up       enable/unknown     full/full     100/100
6    sw-sp-1           up       enable/unknown     full/full     100/100
7 entries were displayed.
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