ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

vserver iscsi connection show

Display active iSCSI connections

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command displays iSCSI connection information within a session. If you do not specify a connection, the command displays all information for all connections.

An active iSCSI session can contain one or multiple iSCSI connections. If an iSCSI connection has not completed the iSCSI login sequence, the iSCSI session might not contain iSCSI connections.

This command gives real-time status of connection activity. You can use the parameters header-digest-enabled and data-digest-enabled to troubleshoot performance problems.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the Vserver that you specify.

[-tpgroup <text>] - Target Portal Group

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the target portal group that you specify.

[-tsih <integer>] - Target Session ID

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the target session ID that you specify.

[-connection-id <integer>] - Connection ID

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the connection ID that you specify.

[-connection-state <iSCSI Connection State>] - Connection State

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the connection state you specify.

[-has-session {true|false}] - Connection Has session

Specifies if a session is established for a connection. If you enter this command using the parameter without a value, it is set to true, and the command displays all connections that have an established session. If you set this parameter to false, the command displays all connections that do not have established sessions.

[-lif <text>] - Logical interface

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the logical interface that you specify.

[-tpgroup-tag <integer>] - Target Portal Group Tag

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that use the target portal group tag that you specify.

[-local-address <text>] - Local IP Address

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that use the local IP address that you specify.

[-local-ip-port <integer>] - Local TCP Port

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that use the local TCP port that you specify.

[-authentication-method {CHAP|deny|none}] - Authentication Type

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the authentication type that you specify. CHAP requires password validation. Deny does not allow connections. None allows all connections.

[-data-digest-enabled {true|false}] - Data Digest Enabled

Specifies if data digest is enabled for a connection. If you enter this command using the parameter without a value, it is set to true, and the command displays all connections that support data digest. If you set this parameter to false, the command displays all connections that do not support data digest.

[-header-digest-enabled {true|false}] - Header Digest Enabled

Specifies if header digest is supported. If you enter this command using the parameter without a value, it is set to true, and the command shows all connections that support header digest. If you set this parameter to false, the command displays all connections that do not support header digest.

[-rcv-window-size <integer>] - TCP/IP Recv Size

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the specified negotiated size of the TCP/IP receive window in bytes.

[-initiator-mrdsl <integer>] - Initiator Max Recv Data Length

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the maximum length of message that the initiator can receive.

[-remote-address <text>] - Remote IP address

Use the parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the IP address of the initiator that you specify.

[-remote-ip-port <integer>] - Remote TCP Port

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the specified TCP port of initiator that you specify.

[-target-mrdsl <integer>] - Target Max Recv Data Length

Use this parameter to display iSCSI connections that match the maximum message size that a target can receive.


cluster1::> vserver iscsi connection show -vserver vs1
             Tpgroup             Conn  Local           Remote          TCP Recv
Vserver      Name          TSIH  ID    Address         Address         Size
------------ ------------- ----- ----- --------------- --------------- --------
vs1          vs1.iscsi         6     0      131400
vs1          vs1.iscsi         7     0        131400
2 entries were displayed.

Displays connection information on Vserver vs1.

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