ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

volume move start

Start moving a volume from one aggregate to another aggregate

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The volume move start command moves a flexible volume from one storage aggregate to another. The destination aggregate can be located on the same node as the original aggregate or on a different node. The move occurs within the context of the same Vserver.


-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver Name

This specifies the Vserver on which the volume is located.

-volume <volume name> - Volume Name

This specifies the volume that will be moved.

-destination-aggregate <aggregate name> - Destination Aggregate

This specifies the aggregate to which the volume will be moved.

[-cutover-window <integer>] - Cutover time window in seconds (privilege: advanced)

This specifies the time interval to completely cutover operations from the original volume to the moved volume. The default value is 30 seconds. The range for valid input is from 30 to 300 seconds, inclusive.

[-cutover-action {abort_on_failure|defer_on_failure|force|wait|retry_on_failure}] - Action for Cutover (privilege: advanced)

Specifies the action to be taken for cutover. If the effective cluster version is Data ONTAP 9.7 and later, the default is retry_on_failure ; otherwise the default is defer_on_failure . If the abort_on_failure action is specified, the job tries to cutover until cutover attempts are exhausted. If it fails to cutover, it cleans up and ends the operation. If the defer_on_failure action is specified, the job tries to cutover until the cutover attempts are exhausted. If it fails to cutover, it moves into the "cutover deferred" state. The volume move job waits to issue a volume move trigger-cutover command to restart the cutover process. If the force action is specified, the job tries to cutover until the cutover attempts are exhausted and forces the cutover at the expense of disrupting the clients. If the wait action is specified, when the job hits the decision point, it does not go into cutover automatically, instead it waits to issue a volume move trigger-cutover command as the signal to try the cutover. Once cutover is manually triggered, the cutover action changes to defer_on_failure . If the retry_on_failure action is specified, the job retries to cutover indefinitely and it never enters a "hard-deferred" state. After exhausting cutover attempts, the move job waits one hour before trying to cutover again. Issue a volume move trigger-cutover command at any time to restart the cutover process.

[-perform-validation-only <true>] - Performs validation checks only

This is a boolean option allowing to perform pre-move validation checks for the intended volume. When set to true , the command only performs the checks without creating a move job. The default value is false .

[-foreground {true|false}] - Foreground Process

This specifies whether the volume move operation runs as a foreground process. The default setting is false (that is, the operation runs in the background). Note that using this parameter will not affect how long it takes for the operation to complete.

[-encrypt-destination {true|false}] - Encrypt Destination Volume

This specifies whether the move operation should result in creating an encrypted volume on the destination aggregate. When this option is set to true , the destination volume will be encrypted. When it is set to false , the destination volume will be a plain-text volume. When this parameter is not specified, then destination will be same as the source type.

[-generate-destination-key {true|false}] - Generate New Encryption Key for Destination Volume

This option is specified along with -encrypt-destination , a new key will be generated, and that new key will be used for encrypting the destination volume.

[-tiering-policy <Tiering Policy>] - Volume Tiering Policy

This optional parameter specifies the tiering policy to apply to the destination volume. Tiering policies decide whether the user data blocks of a volume in a FabricPool will be tiered to the cloud tier when they become cold. FabricPool combines Flash (performance tier) with an object store (cloud tier) into a single aggregate. The temperature of a volume block increases if it is accessed frequently and decreases when it is not.

The available tiering policies are:

  • snapshot-only - Only the volume Snapshot copies not associated with the active file system are tiered to the cloud tier.

  • auto - Both Snapshot copy data and active file system user data are tiered to the cloud tier.

  • none - Volume blocks are not tiered to the cloud tier.

  • all - Both Snapshot copy data and active file system user data are tiered to the cloud tier as soon as possible without waiting for a cooling period.

[-allow-mixed-aggr-types {true|false}] - Allow Mixing FabricPool and non-FabricPool

If set to true, moving a FlexGroup constituent from a FabricPool to a non-FabricPool, or vice versa, is allowed. The default value is false. This parameter is only supported for FlexGroup constituents.

[-encrypt-with-aggr-key {true|false}] - Encrypt Destination Volume with aggr key

This specifies whether the move operation should result in creating an encrypted volume with aggr key on the destination aggregate. When this option is set to true , the destination volume will be encrypted as AE (Aggregate Encryption) volume.

[-enforce-network-throttling {true|false}] - Enforce Replication Engine Node Level Network Throttling (privilege: advanced)

This specifies whether this move should enforce replication engine node level network throttling. If this parameter is specified with true , the move will be throttled by the replication engine. The default is false .

[-is-capacity-tier-optimized {true|false}] - Capacity Tier Optimized Volume Move (privilege: advanced)

This specifies whether this move should perform capacity tier optimized volume move, in which data in the capacity tier does not need to be copied over. If this parameter is specified as true and optimized volume move is not supported, the volume move operation will fail. If this parameter is specified as false , non-optimized volume move will be performed. When this parameter is not specified, optimized volume move is attempted, and if it is not supported, non-optimized volume move will be performed automatically.


The following examples perform a validation-check for a volume named volume_test on a Vserver named vs0 to determine if it can be moved to a destination-aggregate named dest_aggr.

cluster1::> volume move start -vserver vs0 -volume volume_test -destination-aggregate dest_aggr -perform-validation-only true
    Error: command failed: There is 2.54GB of available space on the aggregate
           dest_aggr which is not enough to accommodate a volume.
cluster1::> volume move start -vserver vs0 -volume volume_test -destination-aggregate dest_aggr -perform-validation-only true
    Validation succeeded.

The following example performs a volume move start operation to move a volume named volume_test on a Vserver name vs0 to a destination-aggregate named dest_aggr.

cluster1::> volume move start -vserver vs0 -volume volume_test -destination-aggregate dest_aggr
                [Job 267] Job is queued: Move "volume_test" in Vserver "vs0" to aggregate "dest_aggr".
                          Use the "volume move show -vserver vs0 -volume volume_test" command to view the status of this operation.

The following example performs a volume move start operation to move a plain-text volume named vol1 to an encrypted volume on destination-aggregate aggr1.

cluster1::> volume move start -volume vol1 -destination-aggregate aggr1 -encrypt-destination true
    [Job 267] Job is queued: Move "vol1" in Vserver "vs1" to aggregate "aggr1".
        Use the "volume move show -vserver vs1 -volume vol1" command to view the status of this operation.
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