ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

vserver locks show

Display current list of locks

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver locks show command displays information about locks. A lock is a synchronization mechanism for enforcing limits on concurrent access to files where many clients can be accessing the same file at the same time. The command output depends on the parameter or parameters specified with the command. If you do not specify any parameters, the command displays the following information about locks:

  • Vserver name

  • Volume name

  • Object path

  • Logical interface name

  • Lock protocol

  • Lock type

  • Client

The vserver locks show command is also used to display FlexCache specific locks. FlexCache locks are not stored on the FlexCache volume. Instead all of the locks are stored on the origin of a FlexCache volume. To view the FlexCache locks use the vserver locks show command on the origin cluster.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-smb-attrs ]

If you specify the -smb-attrs parameter, the command displays information related to SMB2 and higher.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

{ [-vserver <vserver name>] - Vserver

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about locks on the specified Vserver.

[-volume <volume name>] - Volume

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about locks on the specified volume.

For the FlexCache locks, this parameter displays the origin of a FlexCache volume name.
[-lif <lif-name>] - Logical Interface

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about locks established through the specified logical interface name.

For the FlexCache locks, this parameter is unset if the FlexCache volume is not local to the cluster.
[-lif-id <integer>] - Logical Interface ID (privilege: advanced)

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about locks established through the specified logical interface id.

For the FlexCache locks, this parameter displays the logical interface id of the FlexCache cluster.
[-path <text>] - Object Path

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about locks at the specified path name.

| [-lockid <UUID>] - Lock UUID }

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about the lock with the specified universally unique identifier (UUID).

[-is-constituent {true|false}] - Is Constituent Volume

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about volumes that either are or are not constituents of a FlexGroup, depending on the value provided.

[-protocol <lock protocol>] - Lock Protocol

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about locks established through the specified protocol. Some of the valid protocols are:

  • cifs : SMB locks

  • nlm : NFS3 locks

  • nfsv4 : NFS4.0 locks

  • nfsv4.1 : NFS4.1 locks

  • crposix : CrPosix locks for CREATE and LINK

  • fcache : Delegations for 7-mode destination FlexCache volumes

[-type {byte-range|share-level|op-lock|delegation}] - Lock Type

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about locks of the specified lock type. The four types of locks are:

  • Byte-range locks: Lock only a portion of a file.

  • Share locks: Represent opened files.

  • Opportunistic locks: Control client-side caching over SMB.

  • Delegations: Control client-side caching over NFSv4.

[-node <nodename>] - Node Holding Lock State

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about all locks on the specified node.

[-lock-state <lock_state>] - Lock State

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about the state of the lock. Some of the valid states are:

  • granted : The lock is established.

  • revoking : The server is currently coordinating with the client to change the state of this lock.

  • revoked : The lock is undergoing revocation to be downgraded or released.

  • adjusted : The lock is undergoing revocation to be replaced by a lock equal to or weaker than the current lock.

  • subsumed : The lock is one of a set of locks that will replace a lock that is being revoked.

  • waiting : The lock is waiting to be granted, because it conflicts with another lock.

  • denied : The lock has been denied.

  • timeout : The lock was waiting and has now timed out.

  • gone : The lock is about to be released.

  • unused : The lock is allocated but has not been processed into any state.

[-bytelock-offset <integer>] - Bytelock Starting Offset

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about bytelocks with the specified offset value. This is the index in the file (in bytes) where the lock begins.

[-bytelock-length <integer>] - Number of Bytes Locked

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about bytelocks with the specified length. This is the number of bytes that are locked by this particular lock.

[-bytelock-mandatory {true|false}] - Bytelock is Mandatory

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about mandatory bytelocks. A mandatory bytelock enforces the requirement of byte range locking on clients before accessing the associated range.

[-bytelock-exclusive {true|false}] - Bytelock is Exclusive

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about exclusive bytelocks. When an exclusive bytelock is granted, no other bytelock may be granted whose range overlaps it.

[-bytelock-super {true|false}] - Bytelock is Superlock

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about super-bytelocks. When a super-bytelock is granted, all other locks on that file are released, and no other operations will be allowed on that file.

[-bytelock-soft {true|false}] - Bytelock is Soft

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about softened bytelocks. An NFSv4 bytelock might become softened if the connection to the client is interrupted. Soft locks might be reclaimed if the client reconnects. However if another client requests a lock that conflicts with a soft lock, then the soft lock will be released.

[-oplock-level {exclusive|level2|batch|null|read-batch}] - Oplock Level

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about locks with the specified oplock level. The oplock level determines which operations the client may cache locally. Those operations include opening, reading, writing, closing, and creating and destroying bytelocks on a file. The five valid oplock levels are:

  • batch : The client may cache all operations on the file.

  • exclusive : The client may cache reads and writes on the file.

  • read-batch : The client may cache reads and opens on the file.

  • level2 : The client may cache reads on the file.

  • null : The client may not cache any operations on the file.

[-sharelock-mode <share lock mode>] - Shared Lock Access Mode

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information about locks with the specified sharelock mode. The parameter has two components separated by a hyphen: the access mode followed by the share mode. The access mode specifies which operations the client is allowed to perform on the file. The share mode specifies which operations other clients are disallowed to perform. The two modes are a combination of one or more of these permissions:

  • read

  • write

  • delete

  • all

  • none

For example, the sharelock mode read_write-deny_delete allows the client to read and write the file, and disallows other clients to delete the file. A special mode is delete-on-close , which specifies that the server will delete the file as soon as it is closed.

[-sharelock-soft {true|false}] - Shared Lock is Soft

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about softened sharelocks. A NFSv4 sharelock can become softened when the connection to the client is interrupted. If the client reconnects, it might reclaim the sharelock. However, if another client creates a sharelock that conflicts with the softened sharelock, the softened sharelock will be released.

[-delegation-type {read|write}] - Delegation Type

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified delegation-type setting. The delegation type determines which operations the client may cache locally. The two valid delegation types are:

  • read : The client may cache reads on the file.

  • write : The client may cache reads and writes on the file.

[-owner-id <text>] - Owner ID

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified owner ID. The owner ID is an opaque byte string generated by the server for each file lock request.

[-client-address <IP Address>] - Client Address

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks from the specified client IP address.

[-client-address-type {ipv4|ipv6|ipv6z}] - Client Address Type

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks corresponding to a certain IP address type. Please note that locks created over the NFSv4 or NFSv4.1 protocol cannot have their address types resolved. Valid options are:

  • ipv4 : Clients operating over an IPv4 interface.

  • ipv6 : Clients operating over an IPv6 interface.

[-smb-open-type {none|durable|persistent}] - SMB Open Type

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified SMB open type. Valid open types are

  • durable : Durability is a feature of SMB2. A durable lock might become "disconnected" if the connection between the client and server is disrupted. A disconnected durable lock might be reconnected if the connection is reestablished.

  • persistent : Persistence is a feature of SMB3. Persistent locks can become disconnected and later reconnected, like durable locks. Persistent locks are used to facilitate continuously available shares.

  • none : The lock is neither durable nor persistent.

[-smb-connect-state <Lock Connect State>] - SMB Connect State

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified SMB connection state. Some of the valid states are:

  • connected : This is the normal state of a SMB lock when the server and client are connected.

  • disconnected : If a lock is durable or persistent, it might become disconnected if the connection between the server and its client is interrupted. Disconnected locks may later be reconnected if the connection is reestablished.

[-smb-expiration-time <integer>] - SMB Expiration Time (Secs)

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified SMB lock expiration time. When a lock is disconnected, -smb-expiration-time shows the time remaining until the lock expires. The server releases the lock after it expires.

[-smb-open-group-id <text>] - SMB Open Group ID

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified SMB open group identifier. This is an opaque byte string provided by the client as the SMB lease key when the lock is first established.

[-is-flexcache-lock {true|false}] - Is FlexCache Lock

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified value.

[-flexcache-volume <text>] - FlexCache Volume Name

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified FlexCache volume.

[-flexcache-vserver <text>] - FlexCache Vserver Name

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified Vserver hosting a FlexCache volume.

[-flexcache-vserver-uuid <UUID>] - FlexCache Vserver UUID

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified UUID of a Vserver hosting a FlexCache volume.

[-flexcache-volume-msid <integer>] - FlexCache Volume MSID

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified FlexCache volume MSID

[-flexcache-cluster <text>] - FlexCache Cluster Name

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified cluster hosting a FlexCache volume.

[-flexcache-lock-authority <text>] - FlexCache lock authority

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about locks with the specified authority granted to a FlexCache volume.


The following example displays default information about all locks:

cluster1::> vserver locks show

Vserver: vs0
Volume   Object Path               LIF         Protocol  Lock Type   Client
-------- ------------------------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------
vol1     /vol1/notes.txt           node1_data1
                                               cifs      share-level
                Sharelock Mode: read_write-deny_delete
                Oplock Level: read-batch
         /vol1/notes1.txt          node1_data1
                                               cifs      share-level
                Sharelock Mode: read_write-deny_delete
                Oplock Level: batch
         /vol1                     node1_data2
                                               cifs      share-level
                Sharelock Mode: read-deny_delete
         /vol1/notes.txt           node1_data2
                                               cifs      share-level
                Sharelock Mode: read_write-deny_delete
                Oplock Level: read-batch
7 entries were displayed.

The following example displays the SMB related information about all locks:

cluster1::> vserver locks show -smb-attrs

Vserver: vs0
Volume   Object Path               LIF         Protocol  Lock Type   Client
-------- ------------------------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------
vol1     /vol1/notes.txt           node1_data1
                                               cifs      share-level
 Sharelock Mode: read_write-deny_delete
 Open Type: durable    Connect State: connected     Expiration Time (Secs): -
 Open Group ID: 625e2ff46ee5df1194ba0050569d37047058909c00000000873d210700000000
 Oplock Level: read-batch
 Open Type: -          Connect State: connected     Expiration Time (Secs): -
 Open Group ID: 625e2ff46ee5df1194ba0050569d37047058909c00000000873d210700000000
/vol1/notes1.txt          node1_data1
                                               cifs      share-level
 Sharelock Mode: read_write-deny_delete
 Open Type: durable    Connect State: connected     Expiration Time (Secs): -
 Open Group ID: 625e2ff46ee5df1194ba0050569d370440fc8891000000005a3f210700000000
 Oplock Level: batch
 Open Type: -          Connect State: connected     Expiration Time (Secs): -
 Open Group ID: 625e2ff46ee5df1194ba0050569d370440fc8891000000005a3f210700000000
/vol1                     node1_data2
                                               cifs      share-level
 Sharelock Mode: read-deny_delete
 Open Type: none       Connect State: connected     Expiration Time (Secs): -
 Open Group ID: -
/vol1/notes.txt           node1_data2
                                               cifs      share-level
 Sharelock Mode: read_write-deny_delete
 Open Type: durable    Connect State: connected     Expiration Time (Secs): -
 Open Group ID: 625e2ff46ee5df1194ba0050569d370408e08d9c00000000da40210700000000
 Oplock Level: read-batch
 Open Type: -          Connect State: connected     Expiration Time (Secs): -
 Open Group ID: 625e2ff46ee5df1194ba0050569d370408e08d9c00000000da40210700000000

7 entries were displayed.

The following example displays default information about all locks in list form:

cluster1::> vserver locks show -instance
Vserver: vs0
                     Volume: vol1
          Logical Interface: node1_data1
                Object Path: /vol1/notes.txt
                  Lock UUID: 447db184-f801-11df-8bb5-00a098000e34
              Lock Protocol: cifs
                  Lock Type: share-level
    Node Holding Lock State: node1
                 Lock State: granted
   Bytelock Starting Offset: -
     Number of Bytes Locked: -
      Bytelock is Mandatory: -
      Bytelock is Exclusive: -
      Bytelock is Superlock: -
           Bytelock is Soft: -
               Oplock Level: -
    Shared Lock Access Mode: read_write-deny_delete
        Shared Lock is Soft: false
            Delegation Type: -
             Client Address:
        Client Address Type: ipv4
              SMB Open Type: durable
          SMB Connect State: connected
 SMB Expiration Time (Secs): -
          SMB Open Group ID: 625e2ff46ee5df1194ba0050569d37047058909c00000000873d2107000000004
Vserver: vs0
                     Volume: vol1
          Logical Interface: node1_data1
                Object Path: /vol1/notes.txt
                  Lock UUID: 447db185-f801-11df-8bb5-00a098000e34
              Lock Protocol: cifs
                  Lock Type: op-lock
    Node Holding Lock State: node1
                 Lock State: granted
   Bytelock Starting Offset: -
     Number of Bytes Locked: -
      Bytelock is Mandatory: -
      Bytelock is Exclusive: -
      Bytelock is Superlock: -
           Bytelock is Soft: -
               Oplock Level: read-batch
    Shared Lock Access Mode: -
        Shared Lock is Soft: -
            Delegation Type: -
             Client Address:
        Client Address Type: ipv4
              SMB Open Type: -
          SMB Connect State: connected
 SMB Expiration Time (Secs): -
          SMB Open Group ID: 625e2ff46ee5df1194ba0050569d37047058909c00000000873d210700000000
Vserver: vs0
                     Volume: vol1
          Logical Interface: node1_data1
                Object Path: /vol1/notes1.txt
                  Lock UUID: 48cee334-f801-11df-8bb5-00a098000e34
              Lock Protocol: cifs
                  Lock Type: share-level
    Node Holding Lock State: node1
                 Lock State: granted
   Bytelock Starting Offset: -
     Number of Bytes Locked: -
      Bytelock is Mandatory: -
      Bytelock is Exclusive: -
      Bytelock is Superlock: -
           Bytelock is Soft: -
               Oplock Level: -
    Shared Lock Access Mode: read_write-deny_delete
        Shared Lock is Soft: false
            Delegation Type: -
             Client Address:
        Client Address Type: ipv4
              SMB Open Type: durable
          SMB Connect State: connected
 SMB Expiration Time (Secs): -
          SMB Open Group ID: 625e2ff46ee5df1194ba0050569d370440fc8891000000005a3f210700000000
3 entries were displayed.

The following example displays the FlexCache locks:

cluster1::> vserver locks show

Vserver: vs34
Volume   Object Path               LIF         Protocol  Lock Type   Client
-------- ------------------------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------
origin   /origin/file1             data1       nlm       byte-range
                Bytelock Offset(Length): 0 (18446744073709551615)
         /origin/file3             data1       nlm       byte-range
                Bytelock Offset(Length): 0 (18446744073709551615)
                FlexCache Lock: true
         /origin/file2             -           nlm       byte-range
                Bytelock Offset(Length): 0 (18446744073709551615)
                FlexCache Lock: true
3 entries were displayed.
cluster1::> vserver locks show -fields flexcache-vserver, flexcache-volume, flexcache-cluster

vserver volume lif   path          flexcache-volume flexcache-vserver flexcache-cluster
------- ------ ----- ------------- ---------------- ----------------- -----------------
vs34    origin data1 /origin/file1 -                -                 -
vs34    origin data1 /origin/file3 local_fc         vs34              cluster2
vs34    origin -     /origin/file2 fc1              vs12              cluster1
3 entries were displayed.

The following example displays default information about FlexCache and origin of FlexCache locks in list form:

cluster1::> vserver locks show -instance
Vserver: vs34
                    Volume: origin
         Logical Interface: data1
               Object Path: /origin/file1
                 Lock UUID: 173d10d6-f64c-4983-a2c2-9db0bc4f5c05
     Is Constituent Volume: false
             Lock Protocol: nlm
                 Lock Type: byte-range
   Node Holding Lock State: node1
                Lock State: granted
  Bytelock Starting Offset: 0
    Number of Bytes Locked: 18446744073709551615
     Bytelock is Mandatory: false
     Bytelock is Exclusive: false
     Bytelock is Superlock: false
          Bytelock is Soft: false
              Oplock Level: -
   Shared Lock Access Mode: -
       Shared Lock is Soft: -
           Delegation Type: -
                  Owner ID: 31-113439407363737072303435323636363030312e67646c2e656e676c61622e6e65746170
            Client Address:
       Client Address Type: ipv4
             SMB Open Type: -
         SMB Connect State: -
SMB Expiration Time (Secs): -
         SMB Open Group ID: -
         Is FlexCache Lock: -
     FlexCache Volume Name: -
    FlexCache Vserver Name: -
    FlexCache Vserver UUID: -
     FlexCache Volume MSID: -
    FlexCache Cluster Name: -
Vserver: vs34
                    Volume: origin
         Logical Interface: data1
               Object Path: /origin/file3
                 Lock UUID: e3bf0c78-7371-41b6-9eff-4fa81d64ca08
     Is Constituent Volume: false
             Lock Protocol: nlm
                 Lock Type: byte-range
   Node Holding Lock State: node1
                Lock State: granted
  Bytelock Starting Offset: 0
    Number of Bytes Locked: 18446744073709551615
     Bytelock is Mandatory: false
     Bytelock is Exclusive: false
     Bytelock is Superlock: false
          Bytelock is Soft: false
              Oplock Level: -
   Shared Lock Access Mode: -
       Shared Lock is Soft: -
           Delegation Type: -
                  Owner ID: 25-11333740736373707230343934343331303031
            Client Address:
       Client Address Type: ipv4
             SMB Open Type: -
         SMB Connect State: -
SMB Expiration Time (Secs): -
         SMB Open Group ID: -
         Is FlexCache Lock: true
     FlexCache Volume Name: local_fc
    FlexCache Vserver Name: vs34
    FlexCache Vserver UUID: 388e3004-7520-11e8-8789-005056b47572
     FlexCache Volume MSID: 2160150696
    FlexCache Cluster Name: cluster2
Vserver: vs34
                    Volume: origin
         Logical Interface: -
               Object Path: /origin/file2
                 Lock UUID: c420b002-d78c-4157-94d5-55c186ef4df3
     Is Constituent Volume: false
             Lock Protocol: nlm
                 Lock Type: byte-range
   Node Holding Lock State: node1
                Lock State: granted
  Bytelock Starting Offset: 0
    Number of Bytes Locked: 18446744073709551615
     Bytelock is Mandatory: false
     Bytelock is Exclusive: false
     Bytelock is Superlock: false
          Bytelock is Soft: false
              Oplock Level: -
   Shared Lock Access Mode: -
       Shared Lock is Soft: -
           Delegation Type: -
                  Owner ID: 32-11353040736373707230343532363634303031
            Client Address:
       Client Address Type: ipv4
             SMB Open Type: -
         SMB Connect State: -
SMB Expiration Time (Secs): -
         SMB Open Group ID: -
         Is FlexCache Lock: true
     FlexCache Volume Name: fc1
    FlexCache Vserver Name: vs12
    FlexCache Vserver UUID: 5a943dd9-7520-11e8-b5e7-005056b47786
     FlexCache Volume MSID: 2150871844
    FlexCache Cluster Name: cluster1
3 entries were displayed.
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