ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system service-processor network auto-configuration disable

Disable Service Processor Auto-Configuration

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system service-processor network auto-configuration disable command disables the SP’s use of subnet resource for the automatic configuration of its networking port. This command is a cluster-wide configuration. When you disable the SP automatic network configuration, all SPs in the cluster will be configured to use IPv4 DHCP. Any addresses previously allocated from the subnet to the SP will be released. If the SP fails to obtain an IPv4 IP address from the DHCP server, an EMS message warns you about the failure. The IPv6 interface will be disabled.


-address-family {IPv4|IPv6} - Subnet Address Family

This parameter specifies whether the IPv4 or the IPv6 automatic configuration is to be disabled for the SP.


The following example disables the automatic configuration for IPv4 on the SP. It first displays the current network configuration and then disables the SP IPv4 automatic network configuration.

cluster1::>system service-processor network show
Node          Status         Family    Link State  IP Address
------------- -------------- --------- ----------- ------------------------
              online         IPv4      up
               DHCP: none
                          MAC Address: ab:cd:ef:fe:ed:01
                      Network Gateway:
             Network Mask (IPv4 only):
      Prefix Length (IPv6 only): -
                IPv6 RA Enabled: -
                    Subnet Name: ipv4_test
        SP Network Setup Status: succeeded
cluster1::>system service-processor network auto-configuration disable -address-family Ipv4

cluster1::>system service-processor network auto-configuration show
Cluster Name         SP IPv4 Subnet Name          SP IPv6 Subnet Name
-------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
cluster1            -                            -
cluster1::>system service-processor network show
Node          Status         Family    Link State  IP Address
------------- -------------- --------- ----------- ------------------------
              online         IPv4      up
DHCP: v4
                          MAC Address: ab:cd:ef:fe:ed:01
                      Network Gateway:
             Network Mask (IPv4 only):
      Prefix Length (IPv6 only): -
                IPv6 RA Enabled: -
                    Subnet Name: -
        SP Network Setup Status: succeeded
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