ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

system controller sp config show

Display the Service Processor Config Table

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system controller sp config show command displays the following configuration information of the service processor for all nodes in the cluster:

  • Node name

  • Service processor status

  • Service processor firmware version

  • Booted firmware version

  • Service processor configuration status

  • Physical Ethernet link status of service processor

  • Health monitor status

To display more details, use the -instance parameter. These commands are available for 80xx, 25xx and later systems. Earlier models are not supported.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

Selects the field that you specify.

| [-instance ] }

Displays detailed configuration information of the service processor.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Use this parameter to list the service processor configuration of the specific node.

[-version <text>] - Firmware Version

Selects the service processor configuration with the specified firmware version.

[-boot-version {primary|backup}] - Booted Version

Selects the service processor configuration with the specified version of the currently booted partition.

[-monitor {node-connect|system-connect|system|controller|chassis|cluster-switch|example|ethernet-switch}] - Health Monitor Name

Selects the service processor configuration with the specified monitor name.

[-sp-status {online|offline|sp-daemon-offline|node-offline|degraded|rebooting|unknown|updating}] - SP Status

Selects the service processor configuration with the specified status of service processor.

[-sp-config {true|false}] - Auto Update Configured

Selects information about the service processor with the specified configuration status of the service processor.

[-status {ok|ok-with-suppressed|degraded|unreachable|unknown}] - Status

Selects the service processor configuration information with the specified service processor status.

[-link-status {up|down|disabled|unknown}] - Public Link Status

Selects the service processor configuration with the specified physical ethernet link status.

[-name <text>] - Display Name

Selects the service processor configuration with the specified unique name.


The example below displays configuration of the service processor in all the nodes in the cluster:

cluster1::> system controller sp config show
      Firmware   Booted    Auto Update  SP       Link
Node  Version    Version   Configured   Status   Status    Status
----  --------   --------- ------------ -------- --------- ------
node1  2.2.2     primary   true         online   up        ok
node2  2.2.2     primary   true         online   up        ok

The example below displays configuration of the service processor of a particular node in detail:

cluster1::> system controller sp config show -instance -node node1
                  Node: node1
      Firmware Version: 2.2.2
        Booted Version: primary
   Health Monitor Name: controller
             SP Status: online
Auto Update Configured: true
                Status: ok
    Public Link Status: up
          Display Name: SP Config
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