ONTAP 9.15.1 commands

volume clone create

Create a FlexClone volume

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The volume clone create command creates a FlexClone volume on the aggregate containing the specified parent volume. This command is supported for flexible volumes or FlexGroups. The maximum volume clone hierarchy depth is 500 and the default depth is 60. You can optionally specify the following attributes for the new FlexClone volume:

  • Vserver on which the parent volume resides

  • Name of the FlexClone parent snapshot

  • Junction path where FlexClone volume should be mounted

  • State of the junction path

  • Space guarantee style (none, volume or file)

  • Comment

  • Whether the volume clone create command runs as a foreground or background process

  • Key Manager Attribute


-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver Name

This parameter specifies the Vserver on which the FlexClone volume is to be created. If only one data Vserver exists, you do not need to specify this parameter.

-flexclone <volume name> - FlexClone Volume

This parameter specifies the name of the FlexClone volume. The name must be unique within the hosting Vserver.

[-type {RW|DP}] - FlexClone Type

This parameter specifies the type of FlexClone volume. A read-only FlexClone volume is created if you specify the type as DP; otherwise a read-write FlexClone volume is created.

[-parent-vserver <vserver name>] - FlexClone Parent Vserver

This parameter specifies the name of the Vserver to which the FlexClone parent volume belongs. If it is different from the Vserver on which the FlexClone volume is to be created, then the FlexClone volume inherits the export policies from the residing Vserver, and not from the FlexClone parent volume.

-b, -parent-volume <volume name> - FlexClone Parent Volume

This parameter specifies the name of parent volume from which the FlexClone clone volume is derived.

[-parent-snapshot <snapshot name>] - FlexClone Parent Snapshot

This specifies the name of the parent snapshot from which the FlexClone clone volume is derived.

[-junction-path <junction path>] - Junction Path

This specifies the junction path at which the new FlexClone clone volume should be mounted.

[-junction-active {true|false}] - Junction Active

This optionally specifies whether the volume’s junction path is active. The default setting is true . If the junction path is inactive, the volume does not appear in the Vserver’s namespace. This parameter is available only at the advanced privilege level and higher.

[-s, -space-guarantee {none|volume}] - Space Guarantee Style

This optionally specifies the space guarantee style for the FlexClone volume. A value of volume reserves space on the aggregate for the entire volume. A value of none reserves no space on the aggregate, meaning that writes can fail if the aggregate runs out of space. The default setting is inherited from the parent volume.

[-comment <text>] - Comment

This optionally specifies a comment for the FlexClone volume.

[-foreground {true|false}] - Foreground Process

This optionally specifies whether the FlexClone volume create operation runs as a foreground process. The default setting is true (that is, the operation runs in the foreground).

{ [-qos-policy-group <text>] - QoS Policy Group Name

This parameter optionally specifies which QoS policy group to apply to the FlexClone volume. The policy group defines measurable service level objectives (SLOs) that apply to the storage objects with which the policy group is associated. If you do not assign a policy group to the FlexClone volume, the system does not monitor and control the traffic to the volume.

| [-qos-adaptive-policy-group <text>] - QoS Adaptive Policy Group Name }

This optionally specifies which QoS adaptive policy group to apply to the volume. This policy group defines measurable service level objectives (SLOs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that adjust based on the volume allocated space or used space. This parameter is not supported on FlexGroups.

[-caching-policy <text>] - Caching Policy Name

This optionally specifies the caching policy to apply to the volume. A caching policy defines how the system caches this volume’s data in Flash Cache modules. If a caching policy is not assigned to this volume, the system uses the caching policy that is assigned to the containing Vserver. If a caching policy is not assigned to the containing Vserver, the system uses the default cluster-wide policy. The available caching policies are:

  • none - Does not cache any user data or metadata blocks.

  • auto - Read caches all metadata and randomly read user data blocks, and write caches all randomly overwritten user data blocks.

  • meta - Read caches only metadata blocks.

  • random_read - Read caches all metadata and randomly read user data blocks.

  • random_read_write - Read caches all metadata, randomly read and randomly written user data blocks.

  • all_read - Read caches all metadata, randomly read, and sequentially read user data blocks.

  • all_read_random_write - Read caches all metadata, randomly read, sequentially read and randomly written user data.

  • all - Read caches all data blocks read and written. It does not do any write caching.

  • noread-random_write - Write caches all randomly overwritten user data blocks. It does not do any read caching.

  • meta-random_write - Read caches all metadata and write caches randomly overwritten user data blocks.

  • random_read_write-random_write - Read caches all metadata, randomly read and randomly written user data blocks. It also write caches randomly overwritten user data blocks.

  • all_read-random_write - Read caches all metadata, randomly read, and sequentially read user data blocks. It also write caches randomly overwritten user data blocks.

  • all_read_random_write-random_write - Read caches all metadata, randomly read, sequentially read and randomly written user data. It also write caches randomly overwritten user data blocks.

  • all-random_write - Read caches all data blocks read and written. It also write caches randomly overwritten user data blocks.

Note that in a caching-policy name, a hyphen (-) separates read and write policies. Default caching-policy is auto.

[-vserver-dr-protection {protected|unprotected}] - Vserver DR Protection

This optionally specifies whether the volume should be protected by Vserver level SnapMirror. This parameter is applicable only if the Vserver is the source of a Vserver level SnapMirror relationship. By default the clone volume will inherit this value from the parent volume.

[-uid <integer>] - Volume-Level UID

This parameter optionally specifies a volume-level user ID (UID). All files and directories in a FlexClone volume will inherit this UID.

[-gid <integer>] - Volume-Level GID

This parameter optionally specifies a volume-level group ID (GID). All files and directories in a FlexClone volume will inherit this GID.

[-snaplock-type {non-snaplock|compliance|enterprise}] - SnapLock Type

This parameter optionally specifies the SnapLock type for the FlexClone volume. The snaplock-type can be compliance , enterprise or non-snaplock . By default, the snaplock-type will be same as the parent volume.

[-key-manager-attribute <text>] - Key Manager Attribute

This optional parameter specifies an additional key manager attribute that should be an identifier-value pair separated by '=', ex. CRN=my-unique-value

The following identifiers are currently supported:

  • CRN


The following command creates a FlexClone volume fc_vol_1 from parent volume fv2 on Vserver vs1 and the job runs as a foreground process.

cluster1::> volume clone create -vserver vs1 -flexclone fc_vol_1 -parent-volume fv2 -junction-active true -foreground true -comment "Testing FlexClone creation"
cluster1::> volume clone show fc_vol_1 -vserver vs1
Vserver Name: vs1
            FlexClone Volume: fc_vol_1
     FlexClone Parent Volume: fv2
   FlexClone Parent Snapshot: clone_fc_vol_1.0
               Junction Path: -
             Junction Active: -
       Space Guarantee Style: volume
   Space Guarantee In Effect: true
         FlexClone Aggregate: test_aggr
       FlexClone Data Set ID: 1046
FlexClone Master Data Set ID: 2147484694
              FlexClone Size: 19MB
                   Used Size: 108KB
              Split Estimate: 0.00B
            Inodes processed: -
                Total Inodes: -
         Percentage complete: -
              Blocks Scanned: -
              Blocks Updated: -
                     Comment: Testing FlexClone creation
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