SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Creates a new clone dataset.
Add-SmCloneDataSet [-DataSetName] <String> [-Description] <String> [-PluginCode] <PluginCode> [-Policies] <String> [-CloneToInstance] <String> [-Resources] <Hashtable[]> [-Suffix] <String> [-SchedulerCredentialName] <String> [-ArchivedLocators] <Hashtable[]> [-EnableEmail] <> [-EmailPreference] <SmEmailNotificationPreference> [-CreateRemoteClone] <Boolean> [-CustomSnapShotFomat] <String> [-CustomText] <String>
Detailed Description
Creates a new clone resource group and adds resources to it. Additionally, you can attach policies, set notification settings for Event Management System (EMS) logs, AutoSupport, and email notification. You can also specify clone options including clone server and instance, mount options, and attach a suffix to the clone database name. If you are cloning to a SnapMirror or SnapVault destination, specify the secondary location.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
DataSetName |
Specifies the new clone dataset name. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Description |
Provides an optional description of the resource group you are creating. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
PluginCode |
Specifies the plug-in code of the host for which you are creating a clone resource group. Valid values are SCSQL and SCO. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Policies |
Specifies one or more polices you want to attach to the dataset. Multiple policies can be added as a comma-separated list. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
CloneToInstance |
Specifies the SQL Server instance that you want to clone to. All databases in the clone resource group are cloned to this instance. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Resources |
Specifies the resources you want to add to the clone resource group. You must provide the resource information in a hashtable, and it must contain the resource name and type, as well as the host on which the resource is located. For example,@{"Host"="localhost";"Type"="SQL Database";"Names"="Instance\Database"}Valid Type values are SQL Database and Oracle Database. You can include comma-separated values for Names. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Suffix |
Provides a clone name suffix. All clones you create with one clone job are appended with the same suffix name. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
SchedulerCredentialName |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ArchivedLocators |
Specifies in a hashtable the secondary storage system details for each unique primary storage system resource in the resource group. For example:-ArchivedLocators @{Primary="my_vs1:my_vol_iscsi";Secondary="my_vs1:my_vol_iscsi_SECONDARY"} |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EnableEmail |
Specifies whether email notification is enabled. The value is either True or False. |
false |
false |
False |
EmailPreference |
Specifies when you will receive email notifications. Possible values: Always, Never, OnError, OnErrorOrWarning. |
false |
false |
CreateRemoteClone |
Specifies whether or not you are creating a remote clone. The value is either True or False. |
false |
false |
CustomSnapShotFomat |
Specifies the custom Snapshot copy naming format. For example, -CustomSnapShotFomat '$CustomText$ResourceGroup$Policy$HostName' -CustomText NetApp |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
CustomText |
Specifies the custom text in the custom Snapshot copy naming format. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EmailBody |
Specifies the body of the email. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EmailFrom |
Specifies the sender’s email address. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EmailTo |
Specifies the recipient’s email address. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EmailSubject |
Specifies the subject of the email. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EnableEmailAttachment |
Specifies that you are adding an email attachment. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Creating a new clone dataset from the primary and adding resources
Add-SmCloneDataSet -DataSetName payrollclone_dataset -Description "Dataset for payroll database" -Policies clonefromprimary_ondemand -Resources @{"Host"="";"Type"="SQLDatabases";"Names"="vise-f3\SQLExpress\payroll,vise-f3\SQLExpress\finance"} -Suffix __clone -CloneToInstance vise-f3\sqlexpress -AutoAssignMountPoint
This example syntax creates a new clone dataset from the primary and adds resources.
Description : Dataset for payroll database CreationTime: 8/5/2015 2:18:38 PM ModificationTime: 8/5/2015 2:18:38 PM EnableEmail : EmailSMTPServer : EmailFrom : EmailTo : EmailSubject: EnableSysLog: ProtectionGroupType : Backup EnableAsupOnFailure : Policies: {} HostResourceMaping : {} Configuration : SMCoreContracts.SmConfiguration LastBackupStatus: VerificationServer : EmailBody : EmailNotificationPreference : VerificationServerInfo : SMCoreContracts.SmVerificationServerInfo SchedulerSQLInstance: CustomText : CustomSnapshotFormat: SearchResources : False ByPassRunAs : False IsCustomSnapshot: MaintenanceStatus : Production PluginProtectionGroupTypes : {SMSQL} Name: payrollclone_dataset Type: Group Id : 3 Host: UserName: Passphrase : Deleted : False Auth: SMCoreContracts.SmAuth IsClone : False CloneLevel : 0
Example 2: Creating a new clone from a secondary clone
Add-SmCloneDataSet -DataSetName clone_mdml_ds_mirror -Policies SMcln_full_logbkp_winsched -CloneToInstance "mva-m13-u25 " -Resources @{"Host"="mva-m13-u25";"Type"="SQL Database";"Names"="mva-m13-u25\TEST"} -ArchivedLocators @{Primary="rajr_vs1:rajr_vol_iscsi";Secondary= "rajr_vs1:rajr_vol_iscsi_SECONDARY"} -Suffix "_RAJR"
This example syntax creates a new clone from a secondary clone using the -ArchivedLocators parameter.
Description : CreationTime: 5/20/2015 11:10:04 AM ModificationTime: 5/20/2015 11:10:04 AM EnableEmail : False EmailSMTPServer : EmailFrom : EmailTo : EmailSubject: EnableSysLog: False ProtectionGroupType : Clone EnableAsupOnFailure : False Policies: {SMcln_full_logbkp_winsched} HostResourceMaping : {} Configuration : SMCoreContracts.SmCloneConfiguration LastBackupStatus: VerificationServer : EmailBody : EmailNotificationPreference : Always VerificationServerInfo : SchedulerSQLInstance: CustomText : CustomSnapshotFormat: SearchResources : False ByPassRunAs : False IsCustomSnapshot: False MaintenanceStatus : Production Name: clone_mdml_ds_mirror Type: Group Id : Host: UserName: Passphrase : Deleted : False Auth: SMCoreContracts.SmAuth IsClone : False CloneLevel : 0