SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Facilitates logging Event Management System (EMS) AutoSupport messages.
Invoke-SdEmsAutosupportLog [-Path] <Object> [-EventId] <Int32> [-EventSource] <String> [-AppVersion] <String> [-Category] <String> [-EventDescription] <String> [-LogLevel] <UInt32> [-GenerateAutosupport] <> [-Session] <String> [-Host] <String> [-StorageSystem] <String> [-EventId] <Int32> [-EventSource] <String> [-AppVersion] <String> [-Category] <String> [-EventDescription] <String> [-LogLevel] <UInt32> [-GenerateAutosupport] <> [-Session] <String> [-Host] <String>
Detailed Description
Facilitates logging Event Management System (EMS) AutoSupport messages. You can use this cmdlet to determine the underlying administration server, and to send messages to that server, for your specified SMB share or logical disk. Your application can use this cmdlet to log events with different severity levels in EMS and to send corresponding AutoSupport messages about backup, restore, and similar operations, errors, or failures. Related cmdlets: Get-SdSMBShadowCopyEmsMessage
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Path |
Specifies the ID for the SMB share, logical disk to which you send the EMS AutoSupport message. You cannot mix a logical disk or mount point with SMB shares in the same input path. |
true |
true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) |
EventId |
Provides the event ID. This is a user-defined event ID, with a range from 0 to 2^32-2. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EventSource |
Indicates the application invoking the cmdlet. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
AppVersion |
Provides the version of the application invoking the cmdlet. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Category |
Specifies an application-defined event category. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
EventDescription |
Describes the event you want to log. The event description is an application-defined message. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
LogLevel |
Indicates the EMS message severity. Accepted values are: 0 for "emergency"; 1 for "alert"; 2 for "critical"; 3 for "error";4 for "warning";5 for "notice";6 for "info";7 for "debug" |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
GenerateAutosupport |
Specifies that you want to generate an AutoSupport message. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Session |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Host |
Specifies the name or IP address of the host on which you execute the operation. The default is your local machine. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
StorageSystem |
Names the storage system for resources to which you send the EMS AutoSupport message. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Logging a test EMS AutoSupport message
PS C:\> Invoke-SdEmsAutosupportLog -Path \\\root -EventId 111 -EventSource "SDW" -AppVersion "1.0" -Category "test" -EventDescription "This is testing message from NextGenSDW." -LogLevel 6
In this example syntax, you send a test EMS log message to the virtual storage server to which the SMB share belongs. The cluster server display the following message:
TimeNode Severity Event ------------------ ---------------- ------------- ------------------------ 8/14/2012 11:47:54 mvaqa-3270-1-01 INFORMATIONAL SNAPMGR-06: SDW 7.0: (111) test: This is testing message from SnapDrive.
Example 2: Logging and generating a test EMS AutoSupport message
PS C:\> Invoke-SdEmsAutosupportLog -Path \\\root -EventId 111 -EventSource "SDW" -AppVersion "1.0" -Category "test" -EventDescription "This is testing message from SnapDrive." -LogLevel 6 -GenerateAutosupport
In this example syntax, you log a test message in EMS and send an AutoSupport message to the virtual storage server to which the SMB share belongs.
Example 3: Logging a test EMS AutoSupport message in a clustered environment
PS C:\> Invoke-SdEmsAutosupportLog -Path E: -EventId 111 -EventSource "SDW" -AppVersion "1.0" -Category "test" -EventDescription "This is testing message from SnapDrive." -LogLevel 6
In this example syntax, you send a test EMS log message to the virtual storage server to which the SMB share belongs.
The cluster server displays the following message: TimeNode Severity Event ------------------ --------------- ----------- ------------------------- 8/14/2012 11:47:54 mvaqa-3270-1-01 INFORMATIONAL SNAPMGR-06: SDW 7.0: (111) test: This is testing message from SnapDrive.
Example 4: Logging a test EMS AutoSupport message using a storage system
PS C:\> Invoke-SdEmsAutosupportLog -StorageSystem -EventId 111 -EventSource "SDW" -AppVersion "1.0" -Category "test" -EventDescription "This is testing message from SnapDrive." -LogLevel 6
In this example syntax, you send a test EMS log message to the virtual storage server used as the storage system.
The cluster server displays the following message: TimeNode Severity Event ------------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------------- 11/15/2012 16:13:43 mvaqa-3270-1-02 INFORMATIONAL CLAB-A13-10: SDW 7.0: (111) test: This is testing message from SnapDrive.