SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Creates a schedule using information you provide and also cleans up secondary backups according to that schedule.
Set-SmSchedule [-ScheduleInformation] <Hashtable> [-TaskName] <String>
Detailed Description
Creates a schedule using information you provide and also cleans up secondary backups according to that schedule.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
ScheduleInformation |
Specifies mandatory schedule information in a hashtable. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
TaskName |
Specifies the mandatory task name. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Setting a schedule to remove secondary backups
Set-SmSchedule -ScheduleInformation @{"ScheduleType"="Hourly";"StartTime"="10:10 AM" ;"EndTime"="11:00 AM";"RepeatTask_Every_Hour"="00:15"} -TaskName SnapCenter_RemoveSecondaryBackup
This example syntax creates an hourly schedule with the task name SnapCenter_RemoveSecondaryBackup that repeats every 15 minutes.
TaskName : SnapCenter_RemoveSecondaryBackup Hosts : {} StartTime : 5/14/2017 10:10:00 AM DaysoftheMonth: MonthsofTheYear : DaysInterval : DaysOfTheWeek : AllowDefaults : False ReplaceJobIfExist : False UserName : Password : SchedulerType : Hourly RepeatTask_Every_Hour : 0 IntervalDuration : EndTime : 5/14/2017 11:00:00 AM LocalScheduler: False AppType : False AuthMode : SchedulerSQLInstance : SMCoreContracts.SmObject MonthlyFrequency : Hour : 0 Minute: 0 NodeName : ScheduleID: 0 RepeatTask_Every_Mins : 15