SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )


Removes Snapshot copies created on Windows disks, SMB shares, or storage system volumes.


Remove-SdSnapshot [-Path]  <Object[]>  [-Snapshot]  <String[]>  [-Session]  <String>  [-Host]  <String>

Detailed Description

Removes Snapshot copies created on Windows disks, SMB shares, or storage system volumes. Related cmdlets: New-SdSnapshot, Rename-SdSnapshot, and Restore-SdSnapshot


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Specifies the SMB shares, volume, or logical disk for the Snapshot copies you want to delete. You cannot mix a logical disk or mount point with SMB shares in the same input path.


true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies the list of Snapshot copies you want to delete.


true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies the session ID from Open-SmConnection.


true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies the name or IP address of the host on which you execute the operation. The default is your local machine.


true (ByPropertyName)


Example 1: Removing a Snapshot copy on a SMB share

 PS C:\> Remove-SdSnapshot -Path "\\\share" -Snapshot "snapshot_1"

This example syntax removes the Snapshot copy snapshot_1 created on SMB share \\\share.

Example 2: Removing specified Snapshot copies on multiple SMB shares

 PS C:\> Remove-SdSnapshot -Path "\\\share1","\\\share2" -Snapshot "snapshot_1","snapshot_2"

This example removes Snapshot copies snapshot_1 and snapshot_2 created on SMB shares \\\share1 and \\\share2.

Example 3: Removing a new Snapshot copy on a SMB share

 PS C:\> New-SdSnapshot -Path "\\\share" | Remove-SdSnapshot

This example removes the new Snapshot copy on SMB share \\\share.

Example 4: Removing a Snapshot copy on a disk

 PS C:\> Remove-SdSnapshot -Path D: -Snapshot "snapshot_1"

This example syntax removes the Snapshot copy snapshot_1 created on the disk drive D:.

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