SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Sets your EMS data collection schedule.
Set-SmDataCollectionEmsSchedule [-CredentialName] <String> [-DaysInterval] <Int16> [-StartDateTime] <DateTime>
Detailed Description
Sets your EMS data collection schedule. When scheduling EMS data collection you must configure a Run As account. You can configure the start date and time, as well as the frequency of the EMS data collection.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
CredentialName |
true |
false |
DaysInterval |
Specifies the frequency with which you want to run EMS data collection, in days. The default is every 7 days. |
true |
false |
StartDateTime |
Specifies the date and time you want to start EMS data collection. For example, -StartDateTime "6/20/2015 1:00 AM" |
false |
false |
Example 1: Configuring the EMS data collection schedule
Set-SmDataCollectionEmsSchedule -DaysInterval 14 -RunAs runas_name -StartDateTime "6/20/2015 1:00 AM"
This example syntax configures your EMS data collection schedule to run every two weeks, starting on June 20th at 1:00 am, and provides a valid Run As account name.