SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )


Removes one or more permissions from a specified role.


Remove-SmPermissionFromRole [-RoleName]  <String>  [-Permissions]  <String>

Detailed Description

Removes one or more permissions from a specified role. Use the format <SnapCenter Resource Name>:<Permission Name> where the SnapCenter Resource name is Dataset, Policy, Backup, Host, Storage Connection, Clone, Provision, Dashboard, Restore, Reports, Discovery, Plugin Install/Uninstall, Migration, Mount, and Unmount, and the permission name is create, read, update, delete and allow.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Specifies the name of the role from which you want to remove permissions.


true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies one or more permissions you want to remove from a role. Use the format <SnapCenter Role Name>:<Permission Name>. Permission include: create, read, update, delete and allow.


true (ByPropertyName)


Example 1: Removing a specific permission from a role

 Remove-SmPermissionFromRole -RoleName "Infrastructure Admin" -Permissions DataSet:create

This example syntax removes the specified permission from a role.

Are you sure you want to unassign the permission from role?.
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): y

Example 2: Removing a specific permission from a role without a confirm dialogue

 Remove-SmPermissionFromRole -RoleName "Infrastructure Admin" -Permissions DataSet:create -Confirm:$false

This example syntax removes the specified permission from a role.

Example 3: Removing multiple permissions from a role

 Remove-SmPermissionFromRole -RoleName "Infrastructure Admin" -Permissions("Host:read","Host:update","Host:delete")

This example syntax removes multiple permissions from a role.

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