SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Moves an existing Microsoft SQL Server database from a local disk to a NetApp LUN.
Invoke-SmConfigureResources [-Resources] <Hashtable[]> [-DataPath] <String> [-LogPath] <String> [-Files] <Hashtable[]> [-DeleteOriginal] <> [-PluginCode] <PluginCode> [-DBCC_NOINDEX] <> [-DBCC_ALL_ERRORMSGS] <> [-DBCC_NO_INFOMSGS] <> [-DBCC_TABLOCK] <> [-DBCC_PHYSICALONLY] <> [-UpdateTableStatsBeforeDetach] <> [-RUnDBCCBeforeMigration] <> [-RunDBCCAfterMigration] <>
Detailed Description
Moves an existing Microsoft SQL Server database from a local disk to a NetApp LUN. This cmdlet moves and configures either system or user databases for the following configurations:- Configuration of databases on standalone SQL server instances- Configuration of Availability Group SQL databases.- Configuration of SQL Failover Cluster Instance databases. In an Availability Group, you must run this cmdlet separately on both the primary and secondary nodes to ensure databases are moved for all nodes.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Resources |
Specifies the resources, in a hashtable, including host, type, name, files, and destination. Host indicates the name of the host from which the database is being moved. Type is the type of database being moved. The type is SQLDatabase. |
true |
true (ByValue) |
DataPath |
Specifies the destination disk path for database data files to be moved. |
false |
true (ByValue) |
LogPath |
Specifies the destination path to which all the database log files will be moved. |
false |
true (ByValue) |
Files |
Specifies the logical name of the database file and the destination path to which the file will be moved. |
false |
true (ByValue) |
DeleteOriginal |
Specifies that all the database files are deleted from the source location. |
false |
true (ByValue) |
PluginCode |
Specifies the plug-in code of the destination host. The valid code is SMSQL. |
true |
true (ByValue) |
false |
false |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
UpdateTableStatsBeforeDetach |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
RUnDBCCBeforeMigration |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
RunDBCCAfterMigration |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Moving a single database at the database level
Invoke-SmConfigureResources -Resources @{"Host"="scspr0088723007";"Type"="SQL Database";"Name"="scspr0088723007\INST1\d1"} –DataPath G:\ -Logpath G:\ –PluginCode SMSQL
Example 2: Moving multiple databases at the database level
Invoke-SmConfigureResources -Resources @{"Host"="nfs1";"Type"="SQL Database";"Name"="nfs1\SQL12INST1\newnfs"},@{"Host"="nfs1";"Type"="SQL Database";"Name"="nfs1\SQL12INST1\chk1";} -DataPath E:\ -LogPath E:\ -PluginCode SMSQL
Example 3: Moving a single database at the file level
Invoke-SmConfigureResources -Resources @{"Host"="nfs1";"Type"="SQLDatabase";"Name"="nfs1\SQL12INST1\new1";"Files"=@{"LogicalName"="new1";"Destination"="E:\"},@{"LogicalName"="new1_log";"Destination"="E:\"},@{"LogicalName"="f";"Destination"="E:\"}} –DeleteOriginal –PluginCode SMSQL
This example syntax moves a single database from on disk to another.
Example 4: Moving multiple databases at the file level
Invoke-SmConfigureResources -Resources @{"Host"="nfs1";"Type"="SQLDatabase";"Name"="nfs1\SQL12INST1\newnfs";"Files"=@{"LogicalName"="newnfs";"Destination"="F:\"},@{"LogicalName"="newnfs_log";"Destination"="E:\"}},@{"Host"="nfs1";"Type"="SQLDatabase";"Name"="nfs1\SQL12INST1\chk1";"Files"=@{"LogicalName"="chk1";"Destination"="F:\"},@{"LogicalName"="chk1_log";"Destination"="F:\"}} –DeleteOriginal –PluginCode SMSQL
This example syntax moves multiple database files from one disk to another.
Example 5: Moving a database in a failover cluster instance
Invoke-SmConfigureResources -Resources @{"Host"="Host1";"Type"="SQLDatabase";"Name"="Host1\DB1";"Files"=@{"LogicalName"="DB1";"Destination"="F:\"},@{"LogicalName"="DB1_log";"Destination"="F:\"}},@{"Host"="Host2";"Type"="SQLDatabase";"Name"="Host2\RahulDB";"Files"=@{"LogicalName"="RahulDB";"Destination"="F:\"},@{"LogicalName"="RahulDB_log";"Destination"="F:\"}} –DeleteOriginal –PluginCode SMSQL
This example syntax moves a database from one shared volume to another shared volume in a failover cluster instance.