SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Removes a group from a specified role.
Remove-SmGroupFromRole [-Domain] <String> [-Group] <SmString> [-RoleName] <String>
Detailed Description
Removes a group from a specified role.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Domain |
Specifies the domain to which the group belongs. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Group |
Specifies the group you want to remove from the role. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
RoleName |
Specifies the name of the role from which you want to remove a group. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Removing a group from a role
Remove-SmGroupFromRole -Domain sddev -Group administrators -RoleName SnapcenterAdmin
This example syntax removes the specified group from the SnapCenterAdmin role.
Are you sure you want to unassign the group from role?.
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
Successfully UnAssigned Group From Role
Example 2: Removing a group from a role without confirm dialogue
Remove-SmGroupFromRole -Domain sddev -Group administrators -RoleName SnapcenterAdmin -Confirm:$false
This example syntax removes the specified group from the SnapCenterAdmin role.
Successfully UnAssigned Group From Role