SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Enables you to create a role, assign users, assign groups, and assign permissions.
New-SmRole [-Name] <String> [-Description] <String> [-Permissions] <String> [-AssignedUsers] <String> [-AssignedGroups] <String> [-SharedObjects] <>
Detailed Description
Enables you to create a role, assign users, assign groups, and assign permissions.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Name |
Specifies the name of the new role. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Description |
Specifies an optional description of the role. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Permissions |
Specifies what permissions are assigned to the role. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
AssignedUsers |
Specifies users assigned to the role. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
AssignedGroups |
Specifies groups assigned to the role. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
SharedObjects |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Creating a new role
New-SmRole -Name TestRole
This example syntax creates a new role with the specified name.
Description : Name: TestRole Type: Id : Host: UserName: Passphrase : Deleted : False Auth: SMCoreContracts.SmAuth IsClone : False CloneLevel : 0
Example 2: Creating a new role and assigning a user
New-SmRole -Name TestRoleWithUser -AssignedUsers sddev\snapdrive
This example syntax creates a new role and assigns the specified user.
Description : Name: TestRoleWithUser Type: Id : Host: UserName: Passphrase : Deleted : False Auth: SMCoreContracts.SmAuth IsClone : False CloneLevel : 0
Example 3: Creating a new role and assigning multiple users
New-SmRole -Name TestRoleWithUsers -AssignedUsers "sddev\administrator,sddev\snapdrive"
This example syntax creates a new role and assigns multiple users to the role.
Description : Name: TestRoleWithUsers Type: Id : Host: UserName: Passphrase : Deleted : False Auth: SMCoreContracts.SmAuth IsClone : False CloneLevel : 0
Example 4: Creating a new role and assigning a group
New-SmRole -Name TestRoleWithGroup -AssignedGroups sddev\administrators
This example syntax creates a new role and assigns the specified group to the role.
Description : Name: TestRoleWithGroup Type: Id : Host: UserName: Passphrase : Deleted : False Auth: SMCoreContracts.SmAuth IsClone : False CloneLevel : 0
Example 5: Creating a role and assigning multiple groups
New-SmRole -Name TestRoleWithGroups -AssignedGroups "sddev\administrators, sddev\Domain Admins"
This example syntax creates a new role and assigns multiple groups to the role.
Description : Name: TestRoleWithGroups Type: Id : Host: UserName: Passphrase : Deleted : False Auth: SMCoreContracts.SmAuth IsClone : False CloneLevel : 0
Example 6: Creating a new role and assigning permissions
New-SmRole -Name TestRoleWithGroups -AssignedGroups "sddev\administrators, sddev\Domain Admins"
This example syntax creates a new role and assigns the specified permissions the groups assigned to the role.
PS C:\> New-SmRole -Name TestRoleWithPermissions -Permissions "Host: read, update, delete, crea te;dataset: read, update, create, delete;manageusergroup: allow;Plugin_Installation: read, update" Description : Name: TestRoleWithPermissions Type: Id : Host: UserName: Passphrase : Deleted : False Auth: SMCoreContracts.SmAuth IsClone : False CloneLevel : 0