SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Retrieves log settings.
Get-SmLogSettings [-Server] <> [-Agent] <> [-HostName] <String> [-Plugin] <> [-HostName] <String> [-PluginCode] <PluginCode>
Detailed Description
Retrieves the log settings for SnapCenter, a host, or a plug-in. Log setting determine the log severity level, the maximum file size for the log file, the maximum number of log file backups to retain, and the maximum size for all job log files.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Server |
Retrieves log file settings for SnapCenter Server. |
true |
false |
Agent |
Specifies that you want to retrieve log file settings for SnapCenter host agent. |
true |
false |
HostName |
Provides the host name for the SnapCenter host that will capture the log files. |
true |
false |
Plugin |
Specifies that you want to retrieve log file settings for a plug-in. |
true |
false |
PluginCode |
Provides the plug-in code for the plug-in for which you want to retrieve the log file settings. Valid plug-in codes are SCSQL, SCV, and SCO. For custom plug-ins, the plug-in code is the name of the custom plug-in. |
true |
false |
Example 1: Getting log file settings for SnapCenter Server
Get-SmLogSettings -Server
This example syntax retrieves log file settings for SnapCenter Server.
LogSettingsId : 1 LogSettingsType: Server LogLevel : All MaxFileSize: 10485760 MaxSizeRollBackups : 10 JobLogsMaxFileSize : 104857600 HostId : HostName : PluginInfoId : PluginCode :
Example 2: Getting log file settings for SnapCenter host agent
Get-SmLogSettings –Agent –HostName host123
This example syntax retrieves log files for the SnapCenter host agent.
LogSettingsId : 1 LogSettingsType: Agent LogLevel : All MaxFileSize: 10485760 MaxSizeRollBackups : 10 JobLogsMaxFileSize : 104857600 HostId : 1 HostName : bryankDev PluginInfoId : PluginCode :
Example 3: Getting log file settings for plugins
Get-SmLogSettings –Plugin –PluginCode SCSQL –HostName bryankDev
This example syntax retrieves plug-in log file settings.
LogSettingsId : 1 LogSettingsType: Plugin LogLevel : Info MaxFileSize: 10485760 MaxSizeRollBackups : 10 JobLogsMaxFileSize : 104857600 HostId : 1 HostName : bryankDev PluginInfoId : 1 PluginCode : SMSQL