SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Enables dismounting a cloned storage resource.
Dismount-SdClone [-ClonePath] <String[]> [-ResourceType] <ResourceType> [-Session] <String> [-Host] <String>
Detailed Description
Enables dismounting a cloned storage resource. This can be a single clone or a comma-separated list of clones of the same resource type. Related cmdlets: Mount-SdClone, Get-SmClone, Remove-SmClone, New-SmClone
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
ClonePath |
Specifies the path to the clone that you want to dismount. This can be a single clone or a comma-separated list of clones of the same resource type. |
true |
true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) |
ResourceType |
Specifies the type of the resource in the ClonePath parameter. The possible options are: "SDStorageVolume", "SDStorageLunPath", "SDStorageDir". |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Session |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Host |
Specifies the FQDN or IP address of the host on which you want to execute the operation. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Dismount a clone from a given cloned path
PS C:\> Dismount-SdClone -ClonePath Primary_SVM:/vol/Vol11201210041488133 -ResourceType SDStorageVolume
This example syntax specifies the cloned volume path and the resource type, and dismounts the clone.
Vserver : Primary_SVM FullPath: Primary_SVM:/vol/Vol11201210041488133 JunctionPath: JunctionParentName : SizeTotal : 70931603456 SizeUsed: 62187937792 SnapMirrorSource: SnapMirrorDest : SnapVaultPrimary: SnapVaultSecondary : FlexCloneEnabled: IsFlexClone : VolumeSecurityStyle : AggregateName : Aggr4 AggregateUuid : b3525de1-9aa0-46d2-9259-eeaef94d34b0 FlexCloneLevel : IsLeaf : VolumeState : online AggregateAvailableSpace : ExportPolicy: default VolumeUuid : fd1bb1d5-528a-11ec-a2a8-00a0986d2568 OwningVserverName : Primary_SVM VolumeType : IsProtected : False StorageVmKey: VolumeKey : VolumeInstanceUuid : Size: IsRootVolume: IsSelectable: StorageKey : ProtectionStatus: ComplianceStatus: StatusMessage : SVMSloKey : VolumeSloKey: SpaceGuarantee : PhysicalUsed: 7004160 IsFlexGroup : ResourceType: SDStorageVolume ResourceName: Primary_SVM:/vol/Vol11201210041488133 Ranges : Name: Vol11201210041488133 Type: Id : Host: UserName: Passphrase : Deleted : False Auth: SMCoreContracts.SmAuth IsClone : False CloneLevel : 0 Hosts : StorageName : ResourceGroupNames : PolicyNames : Key : 0 NsmObjectID : 0 SizeOfSmObject :
Example 2: Dismount a set of clones from the given list of cloned paths
PS C:\> Dismount-SdClone -ClonePath Primary_SVM:/vol/Vol11201212311309514,Primary_SVM:/vol/Vol11201212315354515 -ResourceType SDStorageVolume -Verbose
This example syntax specifies the list of cloned volume paths and their resource type, and dismounts the clones. The output is shortened for readability.
Vserver : Primary_SVM FullPath: Primary_SVM:/vol/Vol11201212311309514 ..... Vserver : Primary_SVM FullPath: Primary_SVM:/vol/Vol11201212315354515 ..... VERBOSE: Operation successful.