SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Gets SnapCenter log files.
Get-SmLogs [-Path] <String> [-AllLogs] <> [-Path] <String> [-ServerLogs] <> [-Path] <String> [-JobId] <Int64> [-Path] <String> [-PluginId] <Int64> [-Path] <String> [-HostName] <String> [-PluginCode] <PluginCode>
Detailed Description
Gets SnapCenter log files. Log files are returned in a .zip file. You can retrieve all SnapCenter logs, or logs for a individual plug-in or SnapCenter instance. You can also get logs for a specified job.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Path |
Specifies the path for the location to which you want the log .zip file to be written. |
true |
false |
AllLogs |
Indicates that you want to receive all SnapCenter logs, which include SnapCenter server, managed host, and plug-in logs. |
true |
false |
ServerLogs |
Indicates that you want to receive logs for the SnapCenter server only. |
true |
false |
JobId |
Indicates that you want to receive information for a specified job ID. |
true |
false |
PluginId |
Indicates that you want to receive information for the specified plug-in ID. |
true |
false |
HostName |
Specifies the host for the plug-in instance for which you want to retrieve logs. |
false |
false |
PluginCode |
Indicates that you want to create log settings pertaining to a specified plug-in instance. Valid plug-in values are SCSQL and SCO. For example, if you want to retrieve the SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server logs, the plug-in code is SCSQL. |
true |
false |
Example 1: Retrieving all logs
Get-SmLogs -AllLogs -Path C:\temp\
This example syntax retrieves all log files.
Example 2: Retrieving SnapCenter Server logs
Get-SmLogs -Path C:\temp\ –ServerLogs
This example syntax retrieves all Server logs.
Example 3: Retrieving plugin instance logs
Get-SmLogs -HostName host123 -Path C:\temp\ -PluginCode SCSQL
This example syntax retrieves all plug-in instance logs for SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server.
Example 4: Retrieving logs for a designated job
Get-SmLogs -JobId 1234 -Path C:\temp\
This example syntax retrieves logs for job ID 1234.