SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Initiates a mount operation for a given backup.
New-SmMountBackup [-BackupName] <String> [-HostName] <String> [-AppObjectId] <String> [-ArchivedLocators] <Hashtable[]> [-AsmCredentialName] <String> [-AsmPort] <Int32>
Detailed Description
Initiates a mount operation for a given backup.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
BackupName |
Specifies the name of the backup being mounted. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
HostName |
Specifies the name of the host on which you want to mount the backup. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
AppObjectId |
Specifies the application object name and type. For example: -AppObjectId "\orcl" |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ArchivedLocators |
Specifies in a hash table, the primary and secondary storage system and volume locations. For example:-ArchivedLocators @{Primary="my_vs1:my_vol_iscsi";Secondary="my_vs1:my_vol_iscsi_SECONDARY"} |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
AsmCredentialName |
false |
false |
AsmPort |
Specifies the port on which the Oracle ASM instance is available. |
false |
false |
Example 1: Mounting a backup
New-SmMountBackup –BackupName dailyset1_linux_10-12-2015_18.19.07.1866_0 -HostName -AppObjectId "\orcl"
This example syntax mounts an Oracle backup.
Example 2: Mounting an ASM database backup using a Run As account and port
New-SmMountBackup -BackupName "dbMigSrcAsm_Dataset_scspr0070373002_12-14-2015_09.56.41. 7460_0" -HostName "" -AppObjectId "\dbMigSrcA sm" -ASMRunAsName "mounter" -ASMPort 1521
This example syntax mounts an ASM database backup using the specified ASM Run As account and port.
Mount started successfully Name: Mount Backup dbMigSrcAsm_Dataset_scspr0070373002_12-14-2015_09.56.41.7460_0 Id : 1479 StartTime : 12/14/2015 10:01:43 AM EndTime : IsCancellable : False IsRestartable : False IsCompleted : False IsVisible : False IsScheduled : False PercentageCompleted : 0 Description : Status : Queued Owner : Error : Priority: None Tasks : {} ParentJobID : 0 EventId : 0
Example 3: Mounting a backup using archived locators
New-SmMountBackup –BackupName dailyset1_linux_10-12-2015_18.19.07.1866_0 -HostName -AppObjectId "\orcl" -ArchivedLocators @{Primary="test_vs1:test1_vol";Secondary= "test_vs1:test1_vol_SECONDARY"}
This example syntax mounts a backup using archived locators.