SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Provisions a Windows volume or disk on a LUN.
New-SdStorage [-Path] <String> [-Size] <String> [-LunPath] <String> [-StorageSystem] <String> [-FileSystemLabel] <String> [-SharedDisk] <> [-ClusteredSharedVolume] <> [-Igroup] <String> [-InitiatorInfo] <HostInitiatorInfo> [-PortSet] <String> [-AutopickMountPoint] <> [-PartitionStyle] <PartitionStyle> [-ResourceGroup] <String> [-Thin] <> [-AllocationUnitSize] <String> [-RawDeviceMapping] <> [-Datastore] <String> [-Session] <String> [-Host] <String>
Detailed Description
Provisions dedicated disks, shared disks and clustered shared volumes on a LUN.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Path |
Specifies the drive letter or mount point: D:, D:\Mount |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Size |
Specifies size of the new Windows disk you are provisioning. Supported units: G, T, K, M |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
LunPath |
Specifies your LUN path in the following format: /vol/volx/lunx |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
StorageSystem |
Specifies the target virtual storage machine you want to use for provisioning. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
FileSystemLabel |
Specifies the label you want to attach to your new Windows volume. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
SharedDisk |
Indicates whether you need to provision your Windows disk as a shared disk. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ClusteredSharedVolume |
Indicates whether you will provision your Windows disk as a Clustered Shared Volume. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Igroup |
Specifies the igroup you want to use for mapping the LUN. If not specified, SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows automatically manages the igroup for mapping the LUN. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
InitiatorInfo |
Specifies the initiators you want to add to your Igroup. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
PortSet |
Specifies the portset you want to use for binding your Igroup. If yourIgroup is already bound to a different portset, specifying this parameter unbinds your Igroup and then binds it to the portset specified here. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
AutopickMountPoint |
Specifies that the mount point for the new LUN is assigned automatically. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
PartitionStyle |
Indicates whether you want to use GPT or MBR partition style. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ResourceGroup |
Specifies a Cluster Resource Group for your shared Windows disk. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Thin |
Indicates whether you want the LUN to be thin provisioned. |
false |
false |
AllocationUnitSize |
Specifies the custom NTFS allocation unit size. Possible values are: 4 KB, 8 KB, 16 KB, 24 KB, 32 KB, and 64 KB. The minimum allocation size is 4 KB, and the maximum is 64 KB. The default value is 4 KB. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
RawDeviceMapping |
Indicates whether the LUN is raw device mapping for VMware. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Datastore |
Specifies the Name of the datastore. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Session |
Specifies the session ID from Open-SmConnection. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Host |
Specifies your target host. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Provisioning a dedicated Windows disk
PS C:\> new-sdstorage -StorageSystem -path V: -LunPath /vol/santest/b09 -size 1G -InitiatorInfo @{Host="R505143C1AAV1.HNK2.COM"; Initiators=""}
This example syntax creates a new dedicated Windows disk.
Example 2: Provisioning a shared Windows disk
PS C:\> new-sdstorage -StorageSystem -path V: -LunPath /vol/santest/b09 -size 1G -SharedDisk -Igroup Windows2012_igroup
In this example syntax, you provision a shared disk in "Available storage" resource group.
Example 3: Provisioning a shared Windows disk in an alternate resource group
PS C:\> new-sdstorage -StorageSystem -path V: -LunPath /vol/santest/b09 -size 1G -SharedDisk -ResourceGroup prod -Igroup SqlAG_igroup
In this example syntax, you provision a shared disk in prod resource group.
Example 4: Provisioning a new Cluster shared volume
PS C:\> new-sdstorage -StorageSystem -LunPath /vol/santest/b09 -size 1G -ClusteredSharedVolume -Igroup Windows2012_igroup
In this example syntax, you provision a clustered shared volume.
Example 5: Provisioning a RDM disk with other options:(Datastore, FileSystemLabel, filesystemlablename)
PS new-sdstorage -storagesystem autof7f8_vsvr1 -path K:\ -LunPath /vol/C227030162240_1_MDML_Log_Vol/Lun1 -size 3G -igroup C227030162240_1 -Thin -RawDeviceMapping -Datastore C227030162240_1VMFS_DS -FileSystemLabel filesystemlablename -PartitionStyle GPT
In this example syntax, you provision a RDM disk.
TotalSizeInGB : 3.00287246704102 GB UsedSpaceInGB : 3.00287246704102 GB Name: K:\ FileSystemIdentifier: autof7f8_vsvr1:/vol/C227030162240_1_MDML_Log_Vol/Lun1 FileSystemType : ntfs MountedFromSnapshot : False TotalSize : 3224309760 UsedSpace : 3224309760 BlockSize : 4096 Clustered : False Expandable : True OwnerNode : False MountOptions: MountPaths : {K:\} parents : Message : ClusterAttributes : BootFileSystem : False BootFileSystemSpecified : False bIsPathOnCSV: False bIsPathOnCSVSpecified : True CSVReparsePointPath :
Example 6: Provisioning a RDM disk
New-SdStorage -LunPath /vol/Vol_VM180_FC/L2 -Size 1GB -StorageSystem -Igroup Sab_FC_ESX -Path M: -RawDeviceMapping
In this example syntax, you provision a RDM disk.
TotalSizeInGB : 1.00351095199585 GB UsedSpaceInGB : 1.00351095199585 GB Name: M:\ FileSystemIdentifier: sce_svm_1:/vol/Vol_VM180_FC/L2 FileSystemType : ntfs MountedFromSnapshot : False TotalSize : 1077511680 UsedSpace : 1077511680 BlockSize : 4096 Clustered : False Expandable : True OwnerNode : False MountOptions: MountPaths : {M:\} parents : Message : ClusterAttributes : BootFileSystem : False BootFileSystemSpecified : False bIsPathOnCSV: False bIsPathOnCSVSpecified : True CSVReparsePointPath :
Example 7: Provisioning a RDM/Windows disk with InitiatorInformation
$initiatorlist = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[string] $initiatorlist.Add("10:00:00:90:fa:a6:32:63") $hostName = "Bay8-21264" $initiatorInfo = New-Object SMCoreContracts.HostInitiatorInfo -ArgumentList $hostName, $initiatorlist New-SdStorage -LunPath /vol/Abhi_FCOE_VOl1/L5 -Size 1GB -StorageSystem vs_21264 -Igroup ig_21264 -Path U:\ -InitiatorInfo $initiatorInfo
In this example syntax, you provision a RDM disk.
TotalSizeInGB : 1.00351095199585 GB UsedSpaceInGB : 1.00351095199585 GB Name: U:\ FileSystemIdentifier: vs_21264:/vol/Abhi_FCOE_VOl1/L5 FileSystemType : ntfs MountedFromSnapshot : False TotalSize : 1077511680 UsedSpace : 1077511680 BlockSize : 4096 Clustered : False Expandable : True OwnerNode : False MountOptions: MountPaths : {U:\} parents : Message : ClusterAttributes : BootFileSystem : False BootFileSystemSpecified : False bIsPathOnCSV: False bIsPathOnCSVSpecified : True CSVReparsePointPath :