SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Initiates a verification job. [This command is being deprecated in Snapcenter 4.4 and the support to the command will be stopped in future releases.]
Invoke-SmBackupVerification [-DatasetName] <String> [-VerificationPolicy] <String> [-BackupPolicies] <String> [-ScheduleOnly] <> [-SchedulerCredentialName] <String> [-BackupID] <String> [-NumBackups] <Int32> [-Auth] <String> [-IsScheduled] <Boolean> [-ClusterName] <String> [-SMSBaseUrl] <String> [-IsNLBHost] <Boolean> [-ScheduleName] <String> [-Guid1] <String> [-Guid2] <String> [-ScheduleType] <String> [-BackupScheduleType] <String>
Detailed Description
Initiates a verification job by specifying the dataset backup you want to verify and the verification policy for the operation. When you start a verification job, the Snapshot copy you specify is mounted. The mount operation creates a clone and the cloned database is attached to the verification server you specified in the verification policy. DBCC checkdb is run and any error are recorded for that particular backup. Once verification has finished, the clone database is deleted and the Snapshot copy is unmounted.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
DatasetName |
Specifies the dataset name for the backups you want to verify. You can use the verification policy and the backup policy to govern how many and what kind of dataset backups you want to verify. |
true |
false |
VerificationPolicy |
Specifies the verification policy you want to use during backup verification. The verification policy is used to provide scheduling, replication pre-and post script information, and DBCC CHECK options. A verification policy is required for every verification job. |
true |
false |
BackupPolicies |
Specifies one or more backup policies to select the backups to be verified. For example, if you have a Daily, a Weekly, and a Monthly backup policy attached to a dataset. You can specify Monthly, to just verify the monthly backups. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ScheduleOnly |
Indicates that you want to schedule verification jobs for the future, rather than run one now. The scheduling information is in the verification policy you specified with the VerificationPolicy parameter. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
SchedulerCredentialName |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
BackupID |
Specifies a backup ID. This parameter allows you to verify specific backups, rather than a group of backups created for a given dataset. If you use this parameter, you do not need to provide the DatasetName. |
false |
false |
NumBackups |
Indicates the number of backups you want to verify for a given dataset. If provided, this parameter overrides the verification policy settings. This allows to you run quick verification checks, without altering the verification policy. |
false |
false |
Auth |
Provides authorization credentials to run this verification job. Authorization credentials allows you to provide different credentials to run verification operations. You want to provide these credentials when your original PowerShell session does not have sufficient RBAC permissions to run the desired operation. |
false |
false |
IsScheduled |
This is for internal use only. This switch parameter indicates that the verification job has been invoked by a schedule. |
false |
false |
ClusterName |
This is for internal use only. This parameter identifies the cluster host name for which the verification job is scheduled. |
false |
false |
SMSBaseUrl |
This is for internal use only. This parameter identifies the SnapCenter-based URL. |
false |
false |
IsNLBHost |
Internal switch that indicates whether this host is part of Network Load Balancing. |
false |
false |
ScheduleName |
Specifies the name of the schedule you want to use for performing deferred verification jobs. |
false |
false |
Guid1 |
false |
false |
Guid2 |
false |
false |
ScheduleType |
false |
false |
BackupScheduleType |
false |
false |
Example 1: Verifying backups from a specified backup policy
Invoke-SmBackupVerification -DatasetName test -VerificationPolicy verifp -BackupPolicies backup –Verbose
This example syntax verifies backups created by a specific policy.
PS C:\Software> Invoke-SmBackupVerification -DatasetName test -VerificationPolicy verifp -BackupPolicies backup -Verbose VERBOSE: Start Invoke-SmBackupVerification VERBOSE: ProcessRecord Invoke-SmBackupVerificaiton - Begin VERBOSE: ProcessRecord Invoke-SmBackupVerificaiton - End VERBOSE: Invoke-SmBackupVerification ended successfully.
Example 2: Verifying one backup using a backup ID
Invoke-SmBackupVerification -DatasetName test -BackupID 109 -VerificationPolicy verifp -Verbose
This example syntax verifies backups using a specific backup ID.
VERBOSE: Start Invoke-SmBackupVerification
VERBOSE: ProcessRecord Invoke-SmBackupVerificaiton - Begin
VERBOSE: ProcessRecord Invoke-SmBackupVerificaiton - End
VERBOSE: Invoke-SmBackupVerification ended successfully.
Example 3: Scheduling a backup verification
Invoke-SmBackupVerification -DatasetName test -VerificationPolicy verifp -BackupPolicies backup -ScheduleOnly -SchedulerRunAsName mvawin -Verbose
This example syntax schedules a backup verification job for a future time.
VERBOSE: Start Invoke-SmBackupVerification
VERBOSE: ProcessRecord Invoke-SmBackupVerificaiton - Begin
VERBOSE: ProcessRecord Invoke-SmBackupVerificaiton - End
VERBOSE: Invoke-SmBackupVerification ended successfully.
Example 4: Running a verification job with alternate authentication credentials
Invoke-SmBackupVerification -DatasetName test -VerificationPolicy verifp -BackupPolicies backup -Auth mvawin
This example syntax runs a verification job with alternate authentication credentials.
Example 5: Verifying your most recent backups
Invoke-SmBackupVerification -DatasetName test -VerificationPolicy verifp
This example syntax verifies your most recent backups.
Example 6: Overwriting the number of backups to be verified in verification policy
Invoke-SmBackupVerification -DatasetName test -VerificationPolicy verifp -BackupPolicies backup –NumBackups 1
This example syntax overwrites the verification policy specified number of backups to be verified.