SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
This command helps remove the protection for the resources.
Remove-SmProtectResource [-Resources] <Hashtable[]> [-Force] <> [-UnmanageOnly] <>
Detailed Description
Remove-SmProtectResource removes the protection for the resources provided.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Resources |
The list of protected resources from which protection will be removed. You must provide the resource information in a hashtable, and it must contain the resource name and type, as well as the host on which the resource is located. For example,@{"Host"="localhost";"Type"="SQL Database";"Names"="Instance\Database"}Valid Type values are: SQL Database, SQL Instance, SQL Availability Group. You can include comma-separated values for Names. For Oracle Database, the format is -Resources @{"Host"="";"Oracle Database"="db1"}. For Oracle Application Volume, the format is -Resources @{"Host"="";"Application Volume"="appVol1"}. |
true |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Force |
The force flag indicates that the protection will be deleted even if it has an associated policy and backup. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
UnmanageOnly |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Removes the protection of the resources
Remove-SmProtectResource -Resources @{"Host"="";"Type"="SQLDatabases";"Names"="test\SQLExpress\inst1"},@{"Host"="";"Type"="SQLDatabases";"Names"="test\SQLExpress\inst2"} -Force
This example syntax removes the protection of the two resources
Are you sure you want to delete the Protection of the selected resource?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"):
Example 1: Removes the protection of the resources without confirmation dialogue
Remove-SmProtectResource -Resources @{"Host"="";"Type"="SQLDatabases";"Names"="test\SQLExpress\inst1"},@{"Host"="";"Type"="SQLDatabases";"Names"="test\SQLExpress\inst2"} -Force -Confirm:$false
This example syntax removes the protection of the two resources
Example 3: Unprotecting a single volume
Remove-SmProtectResource -Resources @{"Type"="StorageVolume";"ResourceGuids"="f37b4bae-72a2-48b3-8504-7cc8eef15031";}
Example 4: Unprotecting multiple volumes
Remove-SmProtectResource -Resources @{"Type"="StorageVolume";"ResourceGuids"="f37b4bae-72a2-48b3-8504-7cc8eef15031,b806a86a-1374-4be1-bb83-fc0d33947a97";}
Example 5: Removes the protection of the Oracle Application Volume resources
Remove-SmProtectResource -Resources @(@{"Host"="";"Application Volume"="appVol1"},@{"Host"="";"Application Volume"="appVol2"})
This example syntax removes the protection of the two Oracle application volume resources
Are you sure you want to delete the Protection of the selected resource?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"):