SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Sets the log file retention for SnapCenter, hosts, and plug-ins.
Set-SmLogSettings [-Server] <> [-MaxFileSize] <Int64> [-MaxSizeRollBackups] <Int32> [-JobLogsMaxFileSize] <Int64> [-LogLevel] <LogLevel> [-UniversalTime] <Boolean> [-Agent] <> [-HostName] <String> [-MaxFileSize] <Int64> [-MaxSizeRollBackups] <Int32> [-JobLogsMaxFileSize] <Int64> [-LogLevel] <LogLevel> [-UniversalTime] <Boolean> [-Plugin] <> [-HostName] <String> [-PluginCode] <PluginCode> [-MaxFileSize] <Int64> [-MaxSizeRollBackups] <Int32> [-JobLogsMaxFileSize] <Int64> [-LogLevel] <LogLevel> [-UniversalTime] <Boolean>
Detailed Description
Sets the log file retention for SnapCenter, hosts, and plug-ins. Log file settings govern log severity level, the maximum log file size, the maximum number of log file backups to retain, and the maximum size for all the job log files.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Server |
Indicates that you want to create log settings for the SnapCenter server. |
true |
false |
MaxFileSize |
The log file size that triggers a roll over. |
true |
false |
MaxSizeRollBackups |
The number of roll over log files that are retained. |
true |
false |
JobLogsMaxFileSize |
Specifies the maximum file size of all job log files. Job logs are created on an individual job basis. JobLogsMaxFileSize specifies the total size for all job log files. When job log files exceed the maximum size, the oldest files are deleted. |
true |
false |
LogLevel |
Sets the log severity level. Valid values are: all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, or off. |
true |
false |
UniversalTime |
Enables message logging in UTC time for installations in different geological locations. Use $True to enable UniversalTime or $False to disable UniversalTime. |
false |
false |
Agent |
Indicates the SnapCenter agent on which you want to create the log settings. Possible values are -server, -host, or -plugin. |
true |
false |
HostName |
Specifies the host name on which the log files are created. The host should be part of the SnapCenter managed host list and the host is required when you want to create log settings for the SnapCenter host agent or plug-ins. |
true |
false |
Plugin |
Indicates that you want to specify log file settings for a plug-in host. |
true |
false |
PluginCode |
Indicates the plug-in code for the plug-in host on which you want to specify log settings. Valid plug-in values are SCSQL, SCO, SCV. |
true |
false |
Example 1: Setting SnapCenter server log settings
Set-SmLogSettings -JobLogsMaxFileSize 100MB -LogLevel All -MaxFileSize 10MB -MaxSizeRollBackups 10 -Server
This example syntax sets SnapCenter server log settings.
LogSettingsId : 1 LogSettingsType: Server LogLevel : All MaxFileSize: 10485760 MaxSizeRollBackups : 10 JobLogsMaxFileSize : 104857600 HostId : HostName : PluginInfoId : PluginCode : NONE
Example 2: Setting plugin log settings
Set-SmLogSettings –Plugin –PluginCode SMSQL -HostName host123 -JobLogsMaxFileSize 100MB -LogLevel Info -MaxFileSize 10MB -MaxSizeRollBackups 10
This example syntax sets plug-in log settings.
LogSettingsId : 1 LogSettingsType: Plugin LogLevel : Info MaxFileSize: 10485760 MaxSizeRollBackups : 10 JobLogsMaxFileSize : 104857600 HostId : HostName : PluginInfoId : PluginCode : SMSQL
Example 3: Setting SnapCenter host agent log settings
Set-SmLogSettings -Agent -HostName bryankDev -JobLogsMaxFileSize 100MB -LogLevel Info -MaxFileSize 10MB -MaxSizeRollBackups 10
This example syntax sets plug-in log settings.
LogSettingsId : 1 LogSettingsType: Agent LogLevel : Info MaxFileSize: 10485760 MaxSizeRollBackups : 10 JobLogsMaxFileSize : 104857600 HostId : HostName : PluginInfoId : PluginCode : NONE
Example 4: Setting log messaging to UTC time
Set-SmLogSettings -Agent -HostName <plugin-hostname> -JobLogsMaxFileSize 10MB -LogLevel Debug -MaxFileSize 10MB -MaxSizeRollBackups 10 -UniversalTime $True
This example syntax sets log messaging to Universal time.