SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )


Facilitates updates to mirror and vault relationships, in the context of Windows disks, SMB shares, or ONTAP storage system volumes.


Invoke-SdSnapMirrorUpdate [-Path]  <Object>  [-MaxTransferRate]  <Int64>  [-Snapshot]  <String>  [-Session]  <String>  [-Host]  <String>  [-SourceStorageSystem]  <String>  [-SourceVolumeName]  <String>  [-DestinationStorageSystemName]  <String>  [-DestinationStorageVolumeName]  <String>  [-MaxTransferRate]  <Int64>  [-Snapshot]  <String>  [-Session]  <String>  [-Host]  <String>

Detailed Description

Facilitates updates to mirror and vault relationships, in the context of Windows disks, SMB shares, or ONTAP storage system volumes. For the specified resources, you can determine the underlying storage layout and issue SnapMirror updates on the corresponding storage volumes, provided that the SnapMirror relationship is already created and initialized. SnapMirror updates and returns are executed immediately. When you are updating a SnapMirror relationship, you can specify a share, storage system volume, or Windows disk. When you are updating a SnapVault relationship, you can specify a share or storage system volume. Related cmdlets: Restore-SdSnapshot and New-SdSnapshot


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Provides a volume, logical disk, SMB share for which you want SnapMirror updates. You cannot mix a logical disk or mount point with SMB shares in the same input path. When you are updating a SnapMirror relationship, you can specify a share, storage system volume, or Windows disk. When you are updating a SnapVault relationship, you can specify a share or storage system volume.


true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


Specifies the maximum transfer rate, in bytes per second.


true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies the Snapshot copy you want to transfer. This cmdlet is processed only for vault relationships; in the case of SnapMirror relationships, this parameter is ignored if specified.


true (ByPropertyName)



true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies the name or IP address of the host on which you execute the operation. The default is your local machine.


true (ByPropertyName)



Specifies the storage system from which you want to update your SnapMirror relationships.


true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies the volume from which you want to update your SnapMirror relationships.


true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies the storage system on which you want to update your SnapMirror relationships. Must be used in conjunction with DestinationStorageVolumeName. If you do not specify this parameter, all storage system volumes associated with your source storage system and volume are updated.


true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies the volume on which you want to update your SnapMirror relationships. Must be used in conjunction with DestinationStorageSystemName. If you do not specify this parameter, all storage system volumes associated with your source storage system and volume are updated.


true (ByPropertyName)


Example 1: Updating SnapMirror for a single share

 PS C:\> Invoke-SdSnapMirrorUpdate -path "\\fileserver\sqlshare"

In this example syntax, you determine the underlying storage footprint for \\fileserver\sqlshare, and initiate a SnapMirror update on the underlying volume, provided that the SnapMirror relationship is created and initialized.

PS C:\Users\administrator.NEXTGEN> Invoke-SdSnapMirrorUpdate -Path \\CIFS_SERV\snapvault_source -Verbose
VERBOSE: Validating input paths.
VERBOSE: SMB Share : \\CIFS_SERV\snapvault_source
VERBOSE: Updating SnapMirror.
SnapMirrorRelationshipType :
SnapMirrorPolicyName   :
SnapMirrorRelationship : vserver : snapvault_source ==> vserver : snapvault_dest
SnapMirrorState: snapmirrored
SnapMirrorStatus   : Transfering
Lag: 0
LagSpecified   : False
BaseSnapshotName   : local
VERBOSE: Operation successful.

Example 2: Updating your vault for a single share

 PS C:\> Invoke-SdSnapMirrorUpdate -path "\\fileserver\sqlshare" -snapshot "weeklybackup"

In this example syntax, you determine the underlying storage footprint for \\fileserver\sqlshare, and initiate a SnapVault update on the underlying volume.

PS C:\Users\administrator.NEXTGEN> Invoke-SdSnapMirrorUpdate -Path \\CIFS_SERV\snapvault_source -Snapshot local -Verbose
VERBOSE: Validating input paths.
VERBOSE: SMB Share : \\CIFS_SERV\snapvault_source
VERBOSE: Updating SnapMirror.
SnapMirrorRelationshipType :
SnapMirrorPolicyName   :
SnapMirrorRelationship : vserver1 : snapvault_source ==> vserver1 : snapvault_dest
SnapMirrorState: snapmirrored
SnapMirrorStatus   : Transfering
Lag: 0
LagSpecified   : False
BaseSnapshotName   : DATA
VERBOSE: Operation successful.

Example 3: Updating SnapMirror for a disk

 PS C:\> Invoke-SdSnapMirrorUpdate -Path E:

In this example syntax, you determine the underlying storage footprint for disk drive E:, and initiate a SnapMirror update on the underlying volume, provided that the SnapMirror relationship is created and initialized.

Example 4: Updating all SnapMirror destination storage system volumes

 PS C:\> Invoke-SdSnapMirrorUpdate -SourceStorageSystem sdw_jenkins_vserver -SourceVolumeName VOLUME01 -Verbose

In this example syntax, you update all destination storage system volumes associated with the source storage system and volume.

VERBOSE: Updating Snapmirror..
SnapMirrorRelationshipType :
SnapMirrorPolicyName   :
SnapMirrorRelationship : sdw_jenkins_vserver : VOLUME01 ==> sdw_jenkins_vserver : vserver01
SnapMirrorState: snapmirrored
SnapMirrorStatus   : Transfering
Lag: 0
LagSpecified   : False
BaseSnapshotName   : snapmirror.e0f01251-4d32-11dc-a3b0-123478563412_2147485514.2013-07-17_143103
SnapMirrorRelationshipType :
SnapMirrorPolicyName   :
SnapMirrorRelationship : sdw_jenkins_vserver : VOLUME01 ==> sdw_jenkins_vserver : VOLUME01_Sec
SnapMirrorState: snapmirrored
SnapMirrorStatus   : Transfering
Lag: 0
LagSpecified   : False
BaseSnapshotName   : TEST_TEST
VERBOSE: Operation Successful.

Example 5: Updating specified SnapMirror destination storage system volumes

 PS C:\> Invoke-SdSnapMirrorUpdate -SourceStorageSystem sdw_jenkins_vserver -SourceVolumeName VOLUME01 -DestinationStorageSystemName sdw_jenkins_vserver -DestinationStorageVolumeName VOLUME01_Sec -Verbose

In this example syntax, you update specific destination storage system volumes associated with the source storage system and volume.

VERBOSE: Updating Snapmirror..
SnapMirrorRelationshipType :
SnapMirrorPolicyName   :
SnapMirrorRelationship : sdw_jenkins_vserver : VOLUME01 ==> sdw_jenkins_vserver : VOLUME01_Sec
SnapMirrorState: snapmirrored
SnapMirrorStatus   : Transfering
Lag: 0
LagSpecified   : False
BaseSnapshotName   : TEST_TEST
VERBOSE: Operation Successful.
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