SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Displays the configuration settings for the SnapCenter Server host or a SnapCenter plug-in host.
Get-SmConfigSettings [-Server] <> [-Key] <String> [-Agent] <> [-HostName] <String> [-Key] <String> [-Plugin] <> [-HostName] <String> [-PluginCode] <PluginCode> [-Key] <String>
Detailed Description
Displays the configuration settings for the SnapCenter Server host or a SnapCenter plug-in host.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Server |
Displays the configuration values for the server on which SnapCenter is installed. |
true |
false |
Key |
Specifies the configuration key information you want to display. You can specify a specific key name or specify All to display all configuration information. You can specify multiple keys in to double quotation with Comma (like : "RESTTimeout,MaxVerificationJobPerServer"). |
true |
false |
Agent |
Displays the configuration values for the SMCore agent. |
true |
false |
HostName |
Specifies the name or IP address of the host, only when the Agent or Plugin parameters are specified. |
true |
false |
Plugin |
Displays the configuration information of the plug-in host. |
true |
false |
PluginCode |
Specifies which plug-in configuration you want to display. Valid values are SCSQL and SCO. |
true |
false |
Example 1: Getting configuration settings on a custom plugin host
Get-SmConfigSettings -Agent -HostName -Key all
This example syntax gets all configuration settings on custom plug-in host.
Key: PLUGIN_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_IN_MSEC Value: 3600000 Details: Plug-in API operation Timeout Key: SERVER_API_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC Value: 180 Details: Web Service API Timeout Key: ALLOWED_CMDS Value: *; Details: Allowed Host OS Commands
Example 2: Getting configuration value for a specific custom plugin configuration parameter
Get-SmConfigSettings -Agent -HostName -Key ALLOWED_CMDS
This example syntax gets the configuration parameter value for the key ALLOWED_CMDS setting on the custom plug-in host.
Key: ALLOWED_CMDS Value: mount *; unmount *; Details: Allowed Host OS Commands
PS C:\Users\administrator.SCCORE>
Example 3: Getting a single configuration value for the SnapCenter Server
Get-SmConfigSettings -Server -Key WindowsRemoteInstallProcessTimeout
This example syntax displays the configuration value for a single SnapCenter Server key.
Key: WindowsRemoteInstallProcessTimeout Value: 900 Details: Windows remote install/uninstall process wait time (in seconds).
Example 4: Getting a more than one configuration values for the SnapCenter Server
Get-SmConfigSettings -Server -Key "RESTTimeout,MaxVerificationJobPerServer"
This example syntax displays the configuration value for a single SnapCenter Server key.
Key: RESTTimeoutValue: 10800000 Details: REST Timeout for SnapManager proxy (in milliseconds). Key: MaxVerificationJobPerServerValue: 20 Details: Maximum verification job that can be run per server.
Example 5: Getting all configuration settings on a plugin host including custom port
Get-SmConfigSettings -Agent -Key all
This example syntax displays all the configuration settings for a plug-in host, including the custom SMcore port.
Key: SMSServerURL Value: Details: SMS server url. Key: SMSServer Value: localhost Details: SMS server. Key: VSCProtocolValue: https Details: VSC protocol. Key: RESTTimeoutValue: 10800000 Details: REST Timeout for SMCore proxy (in milliseconds). Key: RESTConnectionLimitValue: 1500 Details: The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed on REST endpoi nt. Key: ServicesBaseAddressValue: https://localhost:8152 Details: Service base address. Key: SnapCenterServerVersionValue: SnapCenter server version. Key: PSDirectoryValue: WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\SnapCenter\log Details: PS directory. Key: smcoreport Value: 8152 Details: SMCore port.