SnapCenter 6.0 Cmdlet Reference Guide For Windows ( CA08871-610en )
Gets storage system information for Windows disks or SMB shares.
Get-SdStorage [-StorageSystem] <String[]> [-ComputerName] <String> [-ExcludeStorageFootprint] <> [-ExcludeSMB] <> [-ExcludeSAN] <> [-GetMirrorInfo] <> [-GetUnmanagedDisks] <> [-CloneLevel] <> [-Session] <String> [-Host] <String> [-Path] <Object[]> [-ComputerName] <String> [-ExcludeStorageFootprint] <> [-ExcludeSMB] <> [-ExcludeSAN] <> [-GetUnmanagedDisks] <> [-CloneLevel] <> [-Session] <String> [-Host] <String>
Detailed Description
Gets storage system information for Windows disks or SMB shares. You must enable the CSV feature in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 if you want to use that feature.
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
StorageSystem |
Specifies the storage system name or IP address from which you want to get active storage, such as SMB shares. When you use this parameter with ExcludeSMB, this parameter is ignored. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ComputerName |
Indicates the name of the host from which you want all the LUNs to be returned. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ExcludeStorageFootprint |
Restricts the storage system path results to the host resource attributes only, and excludes the storage footprint. This parameter is ignored when you specify it with Path. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ExcludeSMB |
Indicates that you do not want to view information about SMB shares. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
ExcludeSAN |
Indicates that you do not want to view information about LUNs. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
GetMirrorInfo |
Indicates that you want to view volume relationship and state information for the volumes on the source storage resources to which you have provided a path. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
GetUnmanagedDisks |
Indicates that you want to view information about available unmanaged disks. If a disk is mapped to a LUN on an unregistered storage system, it displays as an unmanaged disk, whether it is or not. If you set the parameter ExcludeSAN, GetUnmanagedDisks is ignored. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
CloneLevel |
If the storage system information is for a clone, specifies the clone level. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Session |
Specifies the session ID from Open-SmConnection. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Host |
Specifies the name or IP address of the host on which you execute the operation. The default is your local machine. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Path |
Specifies a list of Windows volumes or SMB share.You cannot mix Windows volumes with SMB shares in the same input path. |
false |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Example 1: Getting the storage system for a SMB share
PS C:\> Get-SdStorage -Path "\\SQLCifsServer\SalesDBShare"
This example syntax gets the storage system path for the SMB share \\SQLCifsServer\SalesDBShare.
Example 2: Getting storage system paths for multiple SMB shares
PS C:\> Get-SdStorage -Path "\\SQLCifsServer\SalesDBShare","\\SQLCifsServer2\MarketDBShare"
This example syntax gets the storage system path for the SMB Shares \\SQLCifsServer\SalesDBShare and \\SQLCifsServer2\MarketDBShare.
Example 3: Getting detailed information about host and storage system resources
PS C:\> Get-SdStorage -Path \\SQLCIFSServer\SalesDBShare | %{$_.HostResource,$_.StorageSystemResource}
This example syntax gets extended information about the host resource and the storage system resource.
Example 4: Getting all the SMB shares on the specified storage systems
PS C:\> Get-SdStorage -StorageSystem "","" -ExcludeSAN
This example syntax gets all the SMB shares on storage systems and
Example 5: Getting all Windows disks and SMB shares from registered storage systems
PS C:\> Get-SdStorage
This example syntax gets all the Windows disks and SMB shares from all registered storage systems.
Example 6: Getting the Windows disks and SMB shares with the host resources details only on the specified storage system
PS C:\> Get-SdStorage -StorageSystem -ExcludeStorageFootprint
This example syntax gets information about the host resources for Windows disks and SMB shares on storage system You can use this parameter to help your application achieve better performance if you need information about Windows disks and SMB shares but not their storage footprint.
Example 7: Getting all the LUNs but not SMB shares
PS C:\> Get-SdStorage -ExcludeSMB
This example syntax retrieves information about all the LUNs on the local host.
Example 8: Getting volume mirror information
PS C:\> (Get-SdStorage -StorageSystem -GetMirrorInfo).StorageSystemResource.Volume
This example syntax uses the -GetMirrorInfo parameter to get volume state and relationship information from the source storage system resource.